Welcome Math Majors

MATH 101 : Fall 2023

Department of Mathematics - SUNY Geneseo
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Homework 5 - Counting From Infinity Documentary

Due Date: November 30, 2023



  1. In no less than 500 words, write a detailed summary of the story of Yitang Zhang and his work on the Twin Prime Conjecture. You must use LaTeX to write the summary and upload your PDF. In your summary, include the following:
    • What is the Twin Prime Conjecture?
    • Who is Yitang Zhang?
    • What was Zhang's contribution to the Twin Prime Conjecture?
    • Where did Zhang publish his work? What was the reaction by other mathematicians to Zhang's work?
    • After Zhang's work, what further improvements were made to his contribution? Who were the main contributors?
    • Where is Zhang now?
    • What is the currently known smallest number \(d\) such that there are infinitely many pairs of primes whose gap is no more than \(d\)?

    Link to youtube video of Counting from Infinity.