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Crowdfunding Campaigns at Geneseo
Please consider a gift to one of these causes at Geneseo.
- Geneseo First Response
Please consider donating to support current students in Geneseo First Response in honor of their 50th anniversary. A gift of $125 will fund a student uniform, and a gift of $250 will send a student to the National Collegiate EMS Conference. Donations of any amount are always appreciated.
- Alan Case Practice Room Piano Fund
Alan Case served as a collaborative pianist, vocal coach, musical director, and piano soloist extraordinaire at SUNY Geneseo Department of Music & Musical Theatre for 33 years, before his untimely death in 2014. In an effort to memorialize Alan through music, the SUNY Geneseo's Department of Music & Musical Theater is seeking to secure $150,000 to purchase 10 new Steinway Boston upright pianos and to create a fund for their ongoing maintenance.
- Geneseo Pay it Forward Scholarship
The Pay it Forward Scholarship removes financial obstacles and creates learning opportunities for students. This is a chance for alumni to support the program in honor of how their education at Geneseo contributed to their success.
- Celia Easton Retirement/Academic Planning & Advising Endowment
Throughout her years at Geneseo, Celia Easton proved a witty, principled welcomer, guide and teacher to colleagues and students alike. She cultivated a spirit of service in everyone she encountered. She wielded her skills as a scholar, mentor, writer, orator, and friend to create lasting change in both departmental curriculum and climate. In honor of her retirement, please consider making a contribution to the Department of Academic Planning & Advising Assistance Endowment Fund.
- RLK - Royal Lady Knights House Fund
The Blue Beast—the RLK house—is an important part of our community. This house gives us a place to be ourselves and form bonds that strengthen our friendships and commitment to service. We seek to build a source of funding to help us maintain our housing in cases of emergency, when individual members cannot afford or commit to the rent and to support our members that experience financial hardships. RLK House Fund
Interested in creating a crowdfunding site for your project or department? Please review these Crowdfunding Procedures then contact Gina Billington.