International Education Week 2022

November 14 - 18, 2022

What is International Education Week (IEW)?

International Education Week (IEW) is an opportunity to celebrate the benefits of international education and exchange worldwide. This joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education is part of our efforts to promote programs that prepare Americans for a global environment and attract future leaders from abroad to study, learn, and exchange experiences in the United States.

We encourage the participation of all individuals and institutions interested in international education and exchange activities, including schools, colleges and universities, embassies, international organizations, businesses, associations, and community organizations.  [Taken from

For several of these events, participants should plan to register ahead of time. Registration information can be found below. 

If you require accommodations for equal access to events organized by SUNY Geneseo, please contact the Office of Accessibility Services via email at, or call 585-245-5112 at least one week prior to this event.

Monday, November 14th 

Study Abroad Information Table
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office

Stop the the Study Abroad Office table in the College Union to get your questions answered about study abroad. Pick up a tasty international treat while you are there!

Tea Culture Around the World
1:00 - 2:30 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo International Student and Scholar Services Office

Location: Erwin 217

Participate in a collaborative discussion about tea culture in various countries around the world. Sample various types of tea and traditional tea snacks. Not required, but supportive reading for the discussion will be Three Cups of Tea by David Oliver Relin and Greg Mortenson. 

Market Your Study Abroad Experience: Put Your Global Education to Work

3:00 - 4:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Workshop led by Emily McCrossen (SUNY Geneseo), Jennifer O’Neil (University of Rochester), Michaela Luedke (SUNY Brockport)

In this workshop, you’ll learn how to communicate the value of your study abroad experience to potential employers. Learn techniques to highlight your study abroad experience in your personal branding, resume, cover letter, and interviews, and share specific examples.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

Storytelling After Study Abroad

4:00 - 5:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Led by Professor Weston Kennison (SUNY Geneseo)

A common experience you may have encountered when returning home from study abroad is that even the people who love you quickly glaze over as you tell your stories. If you don’t find a way to engage people in an ongoing conversation about your travel experience, it can begin to seem like a dream you had. This workshop takes a closer look at how we select and craft our stories so that they might open a longer and deeper conversation reflecting on our memories and integrating them as we go forward.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

Tuesday, November 15th

SUNY Buffalo State “ Ecology and Conservation Program in Kenya” Program Information Session

12:30 pm

Hosted by SUNY Buffalo State

SUNY Buffalo State is offering an Ecology and Conservation Program in Kenya from 2-29 July 2023

This exceptional 4-week learning encounter offers students practical experience and an understanding of the complex relationship between Kenya’s indigenous communities, land, water, and wildlife. Participants will hone professional skills and develop cross-cultural competence.

Pre-Travel Health Planning

12:00 - 3:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Health and Counseling

Drop in appointments with Campus Community Nurse, Laura Evans for study abroad students. She will address considerations related to travel and your health.

Location: MCU Hunt Room

ROC Your Global Future Featured Speaker: Traveling the World with Jo Franco – Netflix TV Host, Writer & Influencer 

6:00-7:00 pm

Jo Franco

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Jo Franco is a well-known Travel & Language Content Creator, Polyglot, Writer, and TV Host. Jo has been an influencer for more than a decade, and with over 1.3 million subscribers, she works to inspire a global community to improve themselves through learning languages, cultures, financial literacy, adventure, and inclusion.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

Equatorial Guinea - SPAN 309: Language Field School in Afro-Hispanic Societies Information Session (Summer 2023)

6:00 - 7:00pm

This is a faculty-led, research experience, immersion learning study abroad course in Malabo, the capital of Equatorial Guinea. Students will learn the ethnic composition of Equatorial Guinea, the global political history of official and vernacular languages, as well as the current governmental language policy. Students will learn and apply sociolinguistic methods to design and conduct their own sociolinguistic research project. 

Cultural visits will include the National Library, La Casa Verde, the National Park, the Mountain Basilé and cultural centers (Equatoguinean cultural center and French cultural center). One Saturday or Sunday we will go to the beaches of Arenas Blancas and/or Sipopo. One week-end field trip will take us to contemplate the large cascades in Moka, the town of Ureka, and the beaches of Moraka, where the large sea turtles lay their eggs after crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

Location: Bailey 209 

Wednesday, November 16th

Teaching Abroad 

11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Led by Jenny Sullivan (RIT), Sam Cardamone (SUNY Geneseo)
Guest Panelists: Hannah Hunter Chhan (Bangkok), Samantha Vell (Brazil)

If you are looking for a truly immersive international experience that allows you to live like a local, teaching abroad may be an ideal fit for you. In this workshop, you’ll hear from current and former teachers working abroad and learn how to find a position, be a successful teacher in another country, and prepare for this one-of-a-kind adventure.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

International Service with Peace Corps

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Led by Amanda Cady, Peace Corps

Learn about meaningful opportunities to go abroad after graduation with the Peace Corps. Through Peace Corps’ two-year program life-defining experiences, volunteers can fully integrate into a host country community, where they live and work on education, health, economic development, environment, agriculture, and youth development projects. This workshop will cover Peace Corps programs, benefits and commitment, the requirements, and how to apply.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

Summer 2023 Study Abroad Information Session

5:00 - 6:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office

Attend this information session to learn more about your summer 2023 study abroad options! At this information session we will address important information regarding financial aid and scholarships.


Thursday, November 17th

Veterans Studying Abroad

12:00 - 1:00 pm

Hosted by Samson Mckinley (SUNY Geneseo Student)

This workshop will focus on the study abroad resources and opportunities that exist for military veterans at Geneseo. Samson is currently serving as a Sergeant in the New York Army National Guard with five years of military experience and a combat deployment to Afghanistan. After studying abroad in England this past summer, Samson hope to share his experience with the study abroad process and the unique resources for veterans he utilized, such as the Gilman Scholarship.

Pre-Travel Health Planning

12:00 - 3:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Health and Counseling

Drop in appointments with Campus Community Nurse, Laura Evans for study abroad students. She will address considerations related to travel and your health.

Location: MCU Hunt Room

Post-Baccalaureate International Fellowships & Scholarships

4:00 - 5:00 pm

Hosted by SUNY Geneseo Study Abroad Office and ROC Your Global Future

Led by Dr. Michael Mills (SUNY Geneseo)

Learn about post-baccalaureate international fellowships and scholarships after you graduate. Programs covered include: U.S. Fulbright Student Program, Schwarzman Scholarship, Boren Awards, Critical Language Scholarship, Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange, DAAD, Princeton in Asia, and UK scholarships like Marshall, Gates Cambridge, and Mitchell.

Learn more about ROC Your Global Future International Education Week

Trivia Night

7:00 - 9:00 pm

Hosted by ISSS & Bridge Club

Location: MCU Fireside Lounge

Friday, November 18th

Sustainable Community Development in Uganda

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Hosted by Jocelyn Haines (SUNY Geneseo Student)

Join Student Ambassador Jocelyn Haines and representatives from the Foundation for Sustainable Community Development (FSD) Jinja-Uganda and Kakira Outgrowers Rural Development Fund (KORD) for a virtual two-way discussion on engaging in sustainable community development and hear the perspectives from people working on the front lines of said development. 

Why Study Europe - CANCELLED 

1:00 - 2:00 pm

Hosted by Global Languages and Cultures

Location: Welles 210

We will touch on several questions: What are the benefits of studying Europe? What are Geneseo students doing in Europe right now? (Fulbright, CBYX, TAPIF, Embassy work, Peace Corps, etc) What are some interesting features about Europe? What is the European Studies Minor at Geneseo?