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Frequently Asked Questions
Students’ Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I find an on-campus job?
A: All Geneseo students have accounts on our online job searching platform, Handshake, through which you have the ability to apply to all open positions on campus. We encourage you to look for jobs right at the beginning of the semester, as this is when most on-campus jobs are being posted. If you are work-study eligible and are looking for a work-study position, make sure that the job you’re applying for specifies that it is work-study. If you are not work-study eligible, you may not apply for work-study jobs, but you may apply for a temporary service position.
Q: What are work study jobs?
A: There are two different types of jobs you can hold on the SUNY Geneseo campus: work-study and temporary service. To be eligible for the work-study program, you must have filed a FAFSA for the current academic year and show financial need. Students who qualify and accept a work-study award may apply for these jobs. For more information regarding the work-study program, click here.
Q: What paperwork will I have to complete to work on-campus?
A: In addition to the tax forms provided by your supervisor, you will need to complete the I9 form in the Payroll Office, Doty 318. You must bring an original driver’s license, passport, social security card or birth certificate to verify your identity. The I9 form should not be filled out until you have been assigned to work-study or have secured a temporary service position.
Q: How can I find an off-campus job?
A: Visit Handshake regularly to view available off-campus positions. Our listings incorporate a wide variety of settings and job functions. If you are unable to find a suitable job on Handshake, then check out More Options for Off-Campus Employment.
Q: How do I get an interview / How can I make myself more marketable?
A: Consider participating in the GOLD Program. More information about GOLD can be found here. These workshops have been designed to help students develop and apply lifelong career development skills. Workshops will provide opportunities to enhance personal and professional skills that are expected in the workplace and can help prepare students for careers now, and after college.
If you need to polish your resume or need help with a well-written cover letter, the Career Design Center has Career Mentors that are available to help you. You can also make an appointment for a mock interview to practice your interview skills. Stop in during drop-in hours or contact their office to schedule an appointment.
Good luck with your search! Contact the Student Employment Service Office at or (585)245-5734 if you need further assistance in your search!
*SUNY Geneseo's Career Design Center shares the Handshake system with the Student Employment Service Office.*