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The article is devoted to the study of the only surviving illuminated manuscript of the life of Norbert of Xanten. The author analyzes the iconography of the miniature from this manuscript, compares it with miniatures and other illuminated lives of the holy archbishops, manuscripts of the works of St. Augustine, created in Germany in the same period (XII century).
This study presents the particular case of the medieval mystic Christina of Hane in the Early Modern transmission to uncover the dynamics of sanctity across traditional period boundaries. It discusses the interest of copying and transmitting the Life of this local saintly figure with a legend on Mary Magdalene’s conversion in the sixteenth century. Christina of Hane’s medieval Life becomes refashioned in a seventeenth-century Flemish text that addresses the religious needs of its time, stressing apolitical forms of devotion such as prayers for the souls in purgatory.
Composition and degradation of plasters from the historical Želiv monastery. Příspěvek se zabývá charakteristikou omítek odebraných v historickém objektu Kláštera Želiv. Cílem tohoto výzkumu bylo získat informace o původních surovinách a stanovit druh poškození na fasádě zkoumaného objektu. Bylo použito zejména termické analýzy a infračervené spektrometrie, jež umožňují identifi kovat materiály pojiv, v některých případech i pomoci určit druh jejich poškození (resp. zasolení). Byly zkoumány 4 vzorky pojiv omítek. Analýzy historických omítek mohou případně v budoucnu napomoci vyhledat a aplikovat kompatibilní hmotu. Byly kvalitativně i kvantitativně stanoveny primární složky odebraných omítek a stanoveny hlavní příčiny jejich degradace. Komplexní hodnocení složení a degradace omítek vyžaduje využití široké škály analytických metod.
This paper deals with the medieval theological debate on the primacy of knowledge, love, or enjoyment of God by comparing the biography of the Premonstratensian nun Christina of Hane with the German mystical writings of the Dominican preacher and scholar Meister Eckhart. It shows the ways in which female vernacular thought engaged with a primarily scholastic and male-dominated debate and suggests a performative understanding of the female mystical account. Challenging existing presumptions about Christina’s mystical biography as being inconsistent and composed by several authors, the results of this research demonstrate to what extent the text can still be considered cohesive when discarding gender specified authorial conceptions which cannot be determined in this case.
In 1143, a Premonstratensian abbey with a church dedicated to Mary was founded on Prague's Strahov hill, and the place was called Mons Sion. One of its founders was Jindřich Zdík, a Moravian bishop, who had been a member of the chapter of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in 1137-38. After returning to Bohemia, Bishop Zdik worked to implement church reforms with the help of regular canons and, later, assistance from the Premonstratensians from Steinfeld. Mons Sion evoked Jerusalem not only through its placement and dedication, but also through its monumental architecture without decoration: its plainness, displaying without distraction the building's harmonious proportions and technically perfect construction, was a response to the proclaimed reforms. the workshop of the abbey played a major role in the twelfth-century building boom of Romanesque Prague. The route of the Palm Sunday pilgrimage processions between the Přemyslid castle and Strahov also confirmed the importance of Mons Sion. The pilgrimages were patterned after the Jerusalem processions between the Holy Sepulchre and Mount Zion. Mons Sion, the Přemyslid castle and the Knights of St. John thus formed a symbolic triangle on the left bank of Vltava river, connected by a new stone bridge to the settlement of the right bank and the other Přemyslid residence, Vyšehrad.
The subject of my thesis is a little-studied hagiographical work that gives important insights into rewriting processes and their significance in medieval textual culture. The anonymous Life of Christina of Hane, a thirteenth-century Premonstratensian nun from the Palatinate, is an example of bridal
[Sketches to the Building History of the Calvinist (Former Premonstratensian) Church of Ócsa]
Siglenverzeichnis Bericht des Historischen Instituts beim Österreichischen Kulturforum in Rom für das Studienjahr 2011/2012 Astrid Larcher - Manuele Laimer, Ascoli Satriano, Gianera Piccola. Vorbericht zu den Grabungskampagnen 2010-2012 Paul Freedman - Damian Smith, A Privilege of Pope Innocent III for the Premonstratensian House of Bellpuig de les Avellanes Rudolf S. Stefec, Die Überlieferung der Deklamationen Polemons Petr Maťa, The false Orsini from over the Alps: Negotiating aristocratic identity in late medieval and early modern Europe Tomáš Černušák, Die Böhmische Kammer als Thema der Prager Nuntiatur zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts Alessandro Metlica, Il Parnasso dell `Istro. Eugenio di San Giuseppe, Caramuel y Lobkowitz e la prima accademia italiana di Vienna (1657) Péter Tusor, Kardinalsnominierungen durch das Haus Habsburg im 17. Jahrhundert Rita Tolomeo, Potenze Protetrici e Unionismo nelle Terre Bulgare Andreas Gottsmann, "Warum lässt uns der Hl.Stuhl im Stich?" Die vatikanische Haltung zur Regierung Schuschnigg hinsichtlich Restauration und staatlicher Selbstständigkeit Inge Podbrecky, Gio Ponti in Wien. Das italienische Kulturinstitut im Palais Lützow-Fürstenberg Zusammenfassungen
En el presente artículo analizamos la evolución de las formas de explotación del dominio de un importante monasterio premostratense castellano, el de Santa María de La Vid, durante la baja Edad Media. En el siglo XV cambia la dinámica económica del cenobio que pasa de administrar directamente sus granjas a darlas a censo enfitéutico, bien a particulares, bien a los concejos de los lugares en los que se encontraban ubicadas. Se analizan las razones de este cambio y se compara esta evolución con la de otros monasterios y conventos peninsulares así como las razones que los diferentes estudiosos señalan para esta transformación en la forma de organización económica de los cenobios mencionados.This article examines the evolution of various forms of domain management by an important Castilian Premonstratensian monastery, Santa María de la Vid, during the late Middle Ages. During the fifteenth century an important economic shift takes place as the monastery relinquishes direct management of its domains and leases the land through emphyteutic tenure either to individuals, or to the town councils located near their land. The reasons for this change will be examined. Morevoer, the development of this phenomenon will be compared to that of other Peninsular monasteries and convents. Finally, the motives given by specialists for the shift in economic organization of these monasteries will be assessed.
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