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The excavations at the Premonstratensian abbey on a lake island in the Gaelic-Irish territory of Moylurg are described. The development of the monastery from its foundation c.1220 to its abandonment by the canons c.1606-7 is traced in the structural remains, the occupational levels and the artefacts uncovered. Although the standard claustral plan was envisaged for the monastery, it was apparent from the investigations that only the east range was actually built. During the monastic occupation, the religious community and lay people were buried within the abbey buildings and in two cemeteries outside. The collection of finds provides an insight into the day-to-day activities that were carried out at the abbey. Many of the artefacts were for domestic or agricultural use and were manufactured locally. The excavation revealed evidence that the building to the north of the church was rebuilt following a fire in the fifteenth century. There was also archaeological evidence of the destruction of the east range by another fire and the continued use of the church for burial in the post-dissolution period.
Le monastère de la Sainte-Croix à Francavilla (Manđelos)
The defensive walls of the Premonstratensian monastery in Witów in light of field research
Sammendrag: Oppgaven tar for seg historien til premonstratenserordenen i Norge i middelalderen. Dette blir belyst med ordenens to klostre i Norge, Dragsmark kloster og Olavsklosteret i Tønsberg. Hovedfokuset er hvilke religiøse oppgaver ordenen hadde og hvilke samfunnsfunksjon klostrene hadde. Disse spørsmålene blir belyst tematisk ved at jeg tar for meg emner som grunnleggelsen, hvem grunnla klostrene og hva var deres motiver. De religiøse oppgavene, både indre kontemplative oppgaver og pastorale oppgaver. Klosterøkonomien, hvordan klostrerøkonomien ble drevet. Hvem som hadde makt over klostrene, forholdet til paven, kongen, biskopen og ordensorganisasjonen. Det siste kapitelet tar for seg hvordan de forholdt seg til mennesker utenfor klostrene, identiteten til dem som gav gaver til klostrene og i hvilke områder munker og lekfolk interagerte. Premonstratenserordenen var på mange måter lik augustinerordenen og var en slags mellomting mellom de tradisjonelle kontemplative ordenene og 1200 tallets prekenordener.
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