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Diplomová práce se věnuje dějinám milevského premonstrátského kláštera od jeho založení mezi lety 1184-1187 do současnosti. Jejím cílem je podat ucelený pohled na jeho historický vývoj se zaměřením na posloupnost jeho představených a jejich činnost, která výrazně přispěla k rozkvětu kláštera ve 14. století. Současně se zabývá jeho majetkovým rozvojem. Soustředí se rovněž na období postupného úpadku kláštera za vlády tří světských rodů, které ovládaly panství do dvacátých let 17. století. Po bitvě na Bílé hoře se klášter dostal do správy kláštera strahovského, ve které zůstává dodnes.
The Premonstratensian monastery in Milevsko is the oldest monastery in South Bohemia and it belongs to the most valuable sights of the Czech Romanesque architecture. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to evaluate the importance of the monastery for the tourism of the town, to describe its potential and to provide enough information about this monument. This thesis also tries to analyse the position of this monastery in the town and the whole region and suggests eventual solutions to support the attendance of this monument.
The theme of this partial study about the first abbot from Milevsko is only one element from the whole comlex of the problems pertinent to the historical conception of Gerlach, namely so called Ansbert alias the History about the crusade of the emperor Friedrich I. The editors of 19"1 century destroyed this conception of Gerlach because they ripped the complex of the texts included in the contemporary Strahov manuscript. We find the only version of the chronicle of Vincenc and Gerlach in this manuscript as well as the only complete text of the chronicle of so called Ansbert. Just this set represents the conception whole, parts of which cannot stand one without the others. The existence of the chronicle of so called Ansbert in the Strahov manuscript demonstrates Gerlach's larger scope than would be expected from the old editions. The likeliness of the fact that the manuscript was written in Milevsko is confirmed by the corrections in the text made by Gerlach himself. We have to suppose not only the existence of relatively furnish monastic scriptorium in Milevsko but also the contact of the Premonstratensian monastery in Milevsko with Cistercians in monastery Heiligenkreuz, from where the pattern for the copy of the History about the crusade of the emperor Friedrich I. in Strahov manuscript came. From this follows also the phase of preparation for writer activity of Gerlach, that means acquiring the patterns, copying them, finding out another annal sources and finally building up the conception and compiling the concept, according to what writers were able to copy. If we contemplate the historical activity of Gerlach as an insert of the History about the crusade of the emperor Friedrich I., or better, of his own work between the chronicle of Vincencius and the History and in the History, the conception of Gerlach comes into a magnificent light. We see not only an author who is trying to put all his sources together but also a creator of one great complex of texts that accords with the conception of writer activity of a medieval intellectual.
[Die Patronatskirchen des Stiftes Mühlhausen im Mittelalter]
[Schicksale des Prämonstratenserkonvents Mühlhausen während der Hussitenkriege]
[Die Chronik des Abtes Jarloch von Mühlhausen und ihr Quellenwert. ]
[Das Prämonstratenserstift Mühlhausen]
The monastery in Milevsko - 800 years old
[Prämonstratenserstift und -kirche St. Ägidius in Mühlhausen]
St. Giles' Church and Premonstratensian Abbey in Milevsko
Resource type
- Book (3)
- Book Section (2)
- Journal Article (11)
- Thesis (2)
- Web Page (2)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1960 and 1969 (3)
Between 1980 and 1989
- 1987 (2)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (3)
- Between 2000 and 2025 (12)