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  • The monastery in Belbuck near Treptow upon Rega in the former Duchy of Pomerania (today Białoboki / Trzebiatów in Pomorze Zachodnie/ Westpomerania, Poland) was founded in the end of the 12th century by Premonstratensians from Lund. In the beginning of the 16th century some very im-portant theologiansworked there. They were friends of Johannes Bugenhagen who, later on, becamea friend of Martin Luther and Reformer of the northern Germany and of the Kingdom of Denmark. His friends in Belbuckwere Johannes Boldewan, Johannes Äpinus, Christian Ketelhodt, Andreas Knopken. Connected with the monastery was a nunnery in Treptow, where Elisabeth von Meseritz (Elisabeth Cruciger) lived. They all exerted great influence on the Reformation and stabilization of the Lutheran Church from Copenhagenas far as Riga. The monastery itself has been, since 1616, completely destroyed, but remembrance of its history may be helpful for a more diverse understanding of very various processes occurring during the early time of “Reformation” in the Southern Baltic Sea region.

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 12:02 AM (EDT)
