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This thesis examines the contemplative thought of Adam of Dryburgh (c. 1150 - c. 1213), one of the most significant representatives of early Premonstratensian spirituality, demonstrating the significance of meditation in Adam's Premonstratensian contemplative thought for articulating the relation between creation and the Creator, the relation between the tripartite divine image and the Trinity, and for leading the contemplator towards contemplation of the divine. Referring to the distinction between meditation (understood as a type of interpretative analysis) and contemplation (a type of understanding of the truth) as articulated by Jordan Aumann and Adam's medieval counterparts, this thesis analyses and contextualises Adam's expression of these concepts with particular reference to Augustinian and Victorine thought. Chapter 1 examines Adam’s understanding of 'lectio divina' (encompassing reading, meditation, prayer and contemplation as defined by the Carthusian Guigo II) in Adam's commentary on the Rule of St. Augustine, 'Liber de ordine,' and his sermon collection 'Ad viros religiosos,' which express Adam's ideals concerning the contemplative aspect of Premonstratensian religious life. Chapter 2 considers Adam's contemplative exegesis 'De tripartito tabernaculo,' systematising his spiritual interpretation of the tabernacle, analysing the fivefold spiritual progression towards God, which demonstrates elements of bridal mysticism, and indicating Adam's apophaticism regarding contemplation of the Trinity. Chapter 3 analyses Adam's meditation on creation in 'De triplici genere contemplationis,' identifying five contemplative principles contributing to the realisation of divine attributes, and contextualising these in light of St. Augustine's 'Confessions' and Hugh of St. Victor's 'On the Three Days.' Chapter 4 examines Adam's introspection and contemplation of the Trinity in 'De triplici genere contemplationis' – analysing, firstly, his introspection concerning the relationship between the body and soul, then the introspection of the tripartite divine image (explicated as 'esse,' 'scientia' and 'amor') ultimately leading to contemplation of the Trinity.
The article presents a sermon about Mary Magdalene by Anglo-Scottish theologian Adam Scot, also known as Adam of Dryburgh or Adam the Carthusian, dedicated to the Canons Regular of Prémontré. The sermon considers how Mary reminds about the singular privilege of those who live in enclosure within God, and of those who come near the Lord himself and cling to him tenaciously. It also looks at what the Gospel say about Mary, about anointing Jesus' feet with a pound of costly perfume.
Pendant de longues annees, on a distingue deux adam : adam de dryburgh, abbe premontre et adam chartreux de witham. La patrologie latine, dans le tome 198, publie plusieurs oeuvres d'adam le premontre, dont son chef-d'oeuvre, le de triplici genere contemplationis, et d'autre part, au tome 153, le de quadripartito exercitio celloe. Vers 1930, on a publie, tiree d'un manuscrit de la chartreuse de londres mais inscrite maintenant a la bibliotheque d'@dimbourg, sous le numero 9. 999, une serie de sermons que adam devenu chartreux a reedite sous une forme abregee. On a pu faire aisement le rapport entre un nombre important de sermons premontres publies in extenso et leurs correspondants resumes a witham (periode cartusienne). La patrologie latine de migne publie le de quadripartito exercitio celloe en l'attribuant faussement a guigues ii le chartreux, alors qu'il s'agit d'une oeuvre d'adam devenu chartreux, composee a la demande du prieur de witham pour servir de base a un debat sur la spiritualite cartusienne au chapitre general. Or ce texte reprend de nombreuses pages des sermons d'adam premontre et du de triplici genere contemplationis. Cette etude eclaire aussi l'etat de la spiritualite de cette epoque dans la ligne de la reforme gregorienne. En annexe : publication critique de textes inedits d'adam.
Resource type
- Book (6)
- Book Section (10)
- Journal Article (13)
- Thesis (3)
Publication year
Between 1900 and 1999
- Between 1930 and 1939 (3)
Between 1940 and 1949
- 1948 (1)
- Between 1950 and 1959 (3)
- Between 1960 and 1969 (3)
- Between 1970 and 1979 (3)
- Between 1990 and 1999 (4)
- Between 2000 and 2025 (15)