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  • All the houses were abbeys except where specifically stated otherwise.ALNWICK (Northumberland), St Mary f. 1147 x 1148Lists in Colvin, pp. 392–3; A. M. Oliver in Proc. Soc. Ant. Newcastle, 3rd ser., IX (1919–20), 42–4; Heads, I, 192; Heads, II, 491.Walter de Hepscott (Hepescotes) Occ. 15 Aug. 1376 (Ch. Alnwick, p. 43).John Frechevyl Occ. 1379 (TNA, E179/62/4, m. Id).William (de) Rok (Rokk') Occ. 6 Feb. 1395 (DCM, Reg. II, f. 315v); Trin. 1404 (called Kok), Hil. 1407 (Dendy, Arch. Aeliana, 3rd ser., 6 (1910), 67–8); 10 Apr. 1407 (Nbld and Durham Deeds, p. 156).John Occ. [1415] (TNA, E101/214/5B, m. 21).John Cudberde 1419– Can. of Alnwick, pres. of abb.-el. for bl., no reason being given for the vacancy 12 May 1419 (Reg. Langley, V, p. 115, no. 1414). Probably to be identified with the abb. John who occ. from 20 June 1421 (ibid., V, p. 153, no. 1478) to 8 March 1435 (ibid., IV, p. 152, no. 1144).William Marschal (Marschall) 1437– Can. of Alnwick, pres. of abb.-el. for bl., no reason being given for the vacancy 25 May 1437 (ibid., V, p. 34, no. 1293); commn to bl. 4 July 1437 (ibid., p. 35, no. 1294). He was previously vicar of Chatton (ibid., p. 36, no. 1295). Is he the same as William below?

Last update from database: 3/13/25, 12:02 AM (EDT)