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The settlement of Premonstratensian canons and nuns is addressed against the backdrop of the political and ecclesiastical settings of the Czech Lands and Ireland. Colonization was accomplished through political alliances, religious circles, and interaction with the central authority at Prémontré during transitional phases of diocesan reform in Bohemia, Moravia, and Connacht, and Anglo-Norman acculturation in Ulster. The letters of the father abbot at Steinfeld and the abbots of Prémontré indicate their concerns for the future prospects of the distant monasteries, the needs of new communities, and how they reacted in different ways to maintain standards of uniformity and discipline.
The village of Ócsa is situated to the south of Budapest in Pest County. The first mention of the existence of the Premonstratensian provostry is dated to 1234 in the so-called Catalogue of Ninive, which mentions that Ócsa is the filial of the convent of Jászó ( Jasov, Slovakia). The church with three naves and two towers at its western facade was built in the first half of the 13th century. During the construction works there were some modifications in the original plans, as the church was planned with another vaulting section towards at the west, but that was, along with the vaulting of the naves, never finished. Minor reconstruction works can be dated to the Middle Ages; for example wall-paintings and the Gothic pastoforium. The Premonstratensians left Ócsa before the Ottoman occupation period, but as a parish church, it didn’t lose the function which is attested by the 15th century demolition of the rood-screen. The church was used by the Calvinist congregation since 1560. As part of the preparation for the reconstruction works, there was archaeological research between 1986 and 1992 which was led by Juan Cabello. This included a systematic, full-scale excavation in the church and in the churchyard. In the course of the excavation, the monastery building with the one side and three pit houses from the 12th–13th century was found. The surrounding and inside of the church were used as a cemetery. The first reconstruction work was realized in the second half of the 18th century ( József Teleki’s works between 1774 and 1777). In the 18th century the church was damaged by natural disasters like lightning and fire. Thus another renovation was necessary, led by Ottó Tandor (1897–1900). In 1909 Ottó Sztehlo renewed the damaged northern portal. The elevation of the towers of the church was carried out by Ernő Foerk in 1923. Finally, the recent renovation of the church was conducted by Tibor Gál between 1989 and 1995.
The Altenberg Retable is one of the most important works of German art from the early 14th century. Composed of a shrine, a Madonna figure, and painted wings, it once adorned the high altar of the convent church in Altenberg/Lahn. The side and rear walls of the shrine were overpainted in 1609. Although conventional methods such as infrared reflectography and X-ray radiography could not reveal the underlying medieval paint layer, we succeeded by conducting μ-X-Ray fluorescent studies. The latter measurements included a handheld spectrometer as well as μ-X-Ray fluorescent large area scanner. Nine sections of the side and rear walls were examined as well as a field on one of the wings (as a reference). In each section, spectra were recorded that comprised about 20 elements ranging from K to Bi. Maps of Ca, Fe, Co, Cu, Zn, As, Hg, and Pb were evaluated and interpreted on the basis of the results of prior color sampling analysis. By superposing several element maps, the original medieval iconographic program with its rows of standing saints could be revealed. With the help of iconographic comparison, these saints could be identified: St. Christopher in the central part of the rear wall, flanked by the 4 female saints Clare, Agnes, Dorothy, and Barbara. On the side walls, the apostles Peter and Paul, as well as the deacons Stephen and Lawrence were depicted. Discussed are not only different scenarios of usage for these images behind the altar but also the limits and possibilities of the measurement technology in this specific application.
The Monastery of St. John the Baptist in Jasov belongs among the oldest Premonstratensian monasteries in modern Slovakia. The circumstances surrounding the arrival of Premonstratensians in Jasov and the year of foundation of the monastery are amongst the most debated problems in the history of the Jasov provostship. The source of these controversies is the fact that the foundation charter was not preserved. The opinions of historians on the foundation of the monastery vary. A number of historians assume that it was founded at the turn of the 12th and 13th centuries, possibly at the beginning of the 13th century. I argue that a charter issued by King Béla IV in 1255 can contribute to clarification of the foundation of the convent. The document re-establishes the originalprivileges of the monastery. The earliest references to Premonstratensian monasteries in Hungary is preserved in the Ninive catalogue, specifically in its second registry. The properties of the monastery also raise a number of questions. The institution owned properties of high value in the Middle Ages. The oldest mention of their estate possession dates back to the above mentioned charter issued by King Béla IV in 1255. The lands mentioned in the charter were compact. Besides the original property described by the charter, in 1255 lands were provided for the monastery that Béla acquired from Duke Coloman. During the medieval and early modern period Jasov was a central property of the Jasov provostship. Due to its location and its vicinity to the monastery, it became more and more prominent in the 13th century, when it gained urban privileges, most importantly market rights.
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