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Moses and his brother Aaron. The discovery of an exceptional cycle of 13th-century wall paintings in Park Abbey’s chapter house The Premonstratensian Park Abbey in Heverlee (Leuven) has already been studied and restored for many years. With each interior intervention, there have been major surprises. In 2017, during ongoing preliminary investigations, the city of Leuven ordered some additional probes for the chapter house, mainly to locate the original access to this room from the cloister. This research soon led to the discovery of painted fragments, which then asked for more extensive studies. Here, the entire original space of the chapter house was involved. Some very fine remains of a unique decor were thus revealed. This discovery offers a completely new dimension to the chapter house of Park Abbey, which is unique in Belgium. The east wing of the cloister, in which the chapter house is located, was built in the same period as the western part of the church, namely the second half of the 13th century. During the 16th century the chapter house was thoroughly rebuilt and redecorated. However, the preliminary investigation showed that there were still considerable fragments of medieval murals on the walls. On the western wall, several biblical figures can be distinguished. Moses with the tablets of the law points to the idolatrous dragon-like devil on a pillar. To his right stands his brother Aaron holding his attribute, a flaming fire. Next to him appears their sister Myriam. A little further north, the bearded man may be one of the Three Kings. These figures point to a cycle evolving from Old to New Testament with Biblical characters as prefigures. Also very beautiful is the preserved architectural polychromy on the Gothic openings between the cloister and the chapter house. On the east wall, among other things, there are some beautiful fragments of painted frames around closed oculi. The painted ensemble, dating from the second half of the 13th century, is designed as a whole, both iconographically and in terms of style and technique. The figures in the upper register are framed with a monumental frieze. In this way, a continuous band with figures was created. The extent of the paintings and the rather good condition in which they have been preserved, make the Park Abbey’s chapter house quite exceptional and unique. In view of the future museum function of the abbey complex, the presentation of these to the public will be of great value.
"Der sogenannte Cappenberger Barbarossakopf gilt seit langem als ein Bildnis des Stauferkaisers Friedrich I. Barbarossa (1122-1190). Bisher unveröffentlichte Ergebnisse einer materialtechnischen Untersuchung von 1977/78 verlangen jedoch, den Entstehungskontext des Werkes neu zu bestimmen. Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich für das Verständnis des Kopfes? Neben dem konsequenten Bezug auf das Objekt steht die Gründung des Prämonstratenser-Klosters Cappenberg im Zentrum der Beiträge. Welchen Einfluss hatte die von Otto von Cappenberg übernommene Taufpatenschaft für Friedrich Barbarossa auf die Ausstattung des Stifts? Welche Bedeutung hatte die Memoria des Kaisers und der Stifter? Der Tagungsband wirft neues Licht auf die Bedeutung Cappenbergs für die Ausbreitung der Prämonstratenser sowie den Repräsentationsanspruch der gräflichen Stifter, vor allem aber auf Entstehung, Funktion und Bedeutung des Cappenberger Kopfes. Mit Beiträgen von Clemens M. M. Bayer, Wolfgang Bockhorst, Wibke Bornkessel, Michael Brandt, Jürgen Dendorfer, Knut Görich, Henrike Haug, Ingrid Ehlers-Kisseler, Bernhard Jussen, Jan Keupp, Lothar Lambacher, Gerhard Lubich, Joanna Olchawa, Ferdinand Opll, Boaz Paz, Ulrich Rehm, Hedwig Röckelein und Maria Burgard" -- Page 4 of cover
The church of the Premonstratensian Convent in Kraków is an early brick structure with stone detail, dating to the mid-13th century. One of the most precious elements preserved of the original church is the monumental late-Romanesque portal made of sandstone. In the wake of the accrual of cultural layers outside the church in the following centuries, what used to be the main portal leading into the church found itself sunk in the ground up to half of its height. Additionally, the portal was covered by a baroque tower in the 17th century. That had a highly negative impact on the condition of the portal which currently urgently required undertaking interdisciplinary research and conservation works. The archaeological digs made it possible to uncover the complete portal, while the research aimed at defining the reasons and degree of damage to the stone. The research consisted in petrographic examinations, examination of the structure of decay caused by dampness and salt, and electric conductivity tests of the sandstone. The conclusions from the research provided the foundation for designing and implementing a conservation works strategy to save, preserve, and show this exceptional work to the public.
The Abbey of St Mary and St Nicholas at Beeleigh was founded towards the end of the 12th century for a community of Premon-stratensian canons, named after the mother house of their order, Premontre (Aisne), in north-eastern France. With the support of Robert Mantell (d. 1190), lord of Little Marlow and sheriff of Essex, the canons were settled on the river Chelmer, a short distance upstream from the market town of Maldon. [...]in 1249, William de Fancourt and his wife, Rose, granted the canons a plot of land, in return for which during certain Masses-they were to light a candle 'before the heart of St Roger for ever'. Two of the ground-floor spaces are perfect embodiments of comparatively restrained early 13th-century architecture, namely the chapterhouse and the day room.
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