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The paper deals with analyses of composition and structure of historic plasters from the convent building of the Želiv Monastery (Czech Republic). Composition and microstructure of plaster samples taken from the historic object have been assessed using both traditional and advanced analytical methods. The following techniques have been used for the assessment of binders and fine aggregates in plasters: optical microscopy of thin sections, mineralogical and petrographic analysis of separated components, infrared spectroscopy, and thermal analysis. Presented results show significant differences in character of the studied materials of varying age and demonstrate the effectiveness of the taken analytical approach.
[Diplomatics and Administration of the Monastery of Teplá in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century]
The Premonstratensian, or Norbertine Rite is strictly related to the Order of Canons Regular, also known as the White Canons. Founded in the 12th century by Saint Norbert, the order at first adhered to liturgical practices that were common among the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine. The following article talks about the genesis and development of Norbertine liturgy, which survived the changes in practices made by the Council of Trent, but was eventually made obsolete by the Second Vatican Council.
The article presents a sermon about Mary Magdalene by Anglo-Scottish theologian Adam Scot, also known as Adam of Dryburgh or Adam the Carthusian, dedicated to the Canons Regular of Prémontré. The sermon considers how Mary reminds about the singular privilege of those who live in enclosure within God, and of those who come near the Lord himself and cling to him tenaciously. It also looks at what the Gospel say about Mary, about anointing Jesus' feet with a pound of costly perfume.
Whithorn, known as Scotland's Cradle of Christianity, is unique as a centre of worship, administration, and ultimately pilgrimage, dating back to the 5th century.The work carried out at Whithorn Priory by Roy Ritchie in the late 1950s and 1960s is the only modern excavation campaign to focus on the high status burials near the high altar of a major Scottish medieval church. Remains of earlier graves, as well as structures now recognised as parts of the extended medieval cathedral church, were uncovered. Among the uppermost level of graves are those that belong to a number of Whithorn's bishops, some of whom are tentatively named.This volume details the results of historical and scientific analysis of the remains of the bishops - who they were and where they came from, together with the circumstances of their deaths and burial. Many of these graves were richly furnished - including altar plate and the famous Whithorn crozier - and the full assemblage of artefacts from the excavation is published here for the first time. This publication also resolves, once and for all, the nature and date of the earliest graves that were identified at the base of the trench. The story of one of Scotland's most important 'lost excavations' can now be told.
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