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Par Annie Dufour Le corpus des actes des évêques de Laon antérieurs à 1151 comprend sept actes destinés à l’abbaye de Bucilly, émanant tous de Barthélemy de Joux et portant des dates comprises entre 1113 et 1148. J’étudierai ici trois d’entre eux, qui datent du début de l’épiscopat, et présentent des caractéristiques communes. Ce sont … Continuer la lecture de « Trois actes faux de l’abbaye de Bucilly attribués à Barthélemy de Joux, évêque de Laon »
The first known reference to it is dated 15 March 1364, when Pope Urban V ordered Bishop Edington of Winchester to inquire into a petition from the inhabitants of Hook proposing the foundation of a chapel there. The problem was that neither Bishop Wykeham nor the abbot of Titchfield to whom the parish church had been appropriated since the abbey's foundation in 1232 supported the construction of a chapel at Hook; and therein lay the origins of the dispute. The contention of the abbot of Titchfield, John de Thorney, supported by Wykeham, was that the chapel at Hook prejudiced the rights of both the abbey and the parish church. At some point during the later fifteenth century, the chapel for which William Maple, John Michol and the villagers had fought so doggedly seems simply to have become surplus to requirements, and by the time Titchfield Abbey was suppressed in 1537 it was barely even a memory.
In 1977, an association was founded to restore the ruins of a medieval monastery located in the small town of Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia, Castile and León, Spain) and turn it into the hub of cultural engagement of a progressively depopulated region with scarce economic resources but a remarkably rich cultural heritage. This original initiative has since led to an enormous wealth of activity, and the Santa María la Real Foundation, heir to that association, has diversified the fields in which it works, extending its activities throughout Spain and other countries. The link with Romanesque art, one of the hallmarks of the Aguilar region, has always remained very much alive, although its reach is now much greater, notably through the publication of an ambitious work, the now benchmark “Enciclopedia del Románico en la Península Ibérica” (Encyclopedia of the Romanesque in the Iberian Peninsula). The international impact of this foundation, in an increasingly globalized world with greater demand for culture and heritage, is growing, with activities in different fields and a wide range of projects. However, the roots and ideological foundations that drove those who, more than forty years ago, with no funds but with a tremendous amount of enthusiasm, decided that the role civil society plays is crucial when raising awareness about and conserving heritage and that this cultural wealth, far from being a burden, should be understood as an enormous resource, have never been forgotten. This is what they believed, and they got right to work.
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