This policy applies to applicants, students, employees, and other members of the SUNY Geneseo college community (including vendors, visitors, and guests) who are protected from illegal forms of harassment or retaliation based upon a protected characteristic.
Policy Statement
The State University of New York College at Geneseo does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, age, national origin, disability, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, marital status, military status, or veteran status in the recruitment of students, the recruitment and employment of faculty and staff, and the operation of any of its programs and activities, as specified by federal and state laws and regulations.
The College annually develops an updated Affirmative Action Plan which specifies the procedures followed with respect to implementing its stated policy of providing equal opportunity for all persons, and which sets hiring goals and timetables where appropriate to the objectives of affirmative action. Copies of the Plan are available for public review in the Office of Diversity and Equity.
Responsibility and Delegation of Authority
The overall responsibility and authority for developing and implementing the Affirmative Plan rests with the President of the College, as chief administrative officer. The immediate and continuing responsibility and authority for implementing the Plan has been delegated by the President to the Chief Diversity Officer at the College.
Division Responsibility
The Provost and Vice Presidents are responsible within their divisions for overseeing the policy of equal employment opportunity at the College. However, all persons with supervisory and hiring responsibilities are also obliged, individually and collectively, to adhere to a policy of non-discrimination, and to assume affirmative action outreach duties in the identification, recruitment, and selection of members for employment.
Frequency of Review and Update
Every 2 years
Date of Approval