Ed Pogozelski has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1999.
For more information, visit Physics Home or Ed Pogozelski's Home Page.

Office Hours
See: Weekly Schedule
Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering; John Hopkins University
B.A., Mechanical Engineering; Carnegie Mellon University
PHYS 126: Analytical Physics II Lab
An experimental course developing laboratory and analytical skills in physics. Includes experiments in electric fields, Ohm's law, use of the oscilloscope, and electric circuits.
PHYS 206: Scientific Graphics
An introduction to producing graphics for use in scientific presentations and for image analysis. Topics may include freehand sketching, isometric drawings and other projections, 3-view machinist's drawings, dimensioning and tolerancing, threads, vector graphics and layering in Office, color models, creating raster images (photographs), editing raster images using GIMP, analysis of raster images with ImageJ, animations in PowerPoint, animations and plotting in Mathematica, using "design mode" in Excel, and fundamentals of CAD. Prerequisite: PHYS 126 Credits: 1(1-0) Offered not on a regular basis.
PHYS 228: Mathematical Methods Physics
This course is an introduction to the application of various mathematical tools to specific problems in physics. Methods will include complex numbers, coordinate transformations, vector calculus, matrices, Fourier transforms, series solutions, and probability. This course will also include numerical methods using software including spreadsheets and symbolic mathematical manipulators.
PHYS 314: Fluid Mechanics
This course is an introduction to the topic, and includes an examination of the relevant properties of fluids (density, viscosity, pressure, velocity), common analysis techniques (control systems, control volumes, stream functions, dimensional analysis, non-dimensional parameterization), mathematical modeling (integral and differential forms of mass conservation, momentum conservation, and energy conservation; Bernoulli's equation), and applications.