Physics Teachers' Day

For the second time ever, we are hosting a Geneseo Physics Teachers' Day.  This event brings together high school physics teachers and middle school science teachers from across the region to learn alongside Geneseo Physics and Astronomy faculty.  

('SUNY Geneseo is recognized by the New York State Education Department's Office of Teaching Initiatives as an approved sponsor of CTLE for Professional Classroom Teachers, School Leaders and Level III Teaching Assistants.)'

Please save the date for this year's Physics Teachers Day: Friday, March 14, 2025.  The deadline for registration is March 01. NOTE: Deadline extended to March 7!

Questions?  Contact Kurt Fletcher at




To register for this Physics Teachers' Day event, and pay the registration fee, please select "Physics Teachers" Day at this site.  

(Because of space limitations, we have to limit this event to 24 participants.)

Location - SUNY Geneseo Integrated Sciences Center, Room 219





Learning Outcomes


Participants will…


9:00 - 9:45

Physics Teaching in Context - Getting to Know You

Group discussion about the students you teach in your school

  • learn about the context in which other participants teach physics and share their own contexts
  • Find others who teach similar populations


9:45 - 11:00

Fiddling Around with the Wave Equation

Starting with the forces acting on a segment of a stretched horizontal string, we derive the wave equation and discuss the solutions.

  • learn how the wave equation is derived
  • discuss solutions to the wave equation
  • see applications of the wave equation beyond strings


11:00 - 12:00

Optics in the Atmosphere

Learn about optical effects observed in nature and how to demonstrate them in the classroom

  • learn about mirages
  • learn about rainbows
  • learn about rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering and skylight polarization


12:00 - 1:00

Lunch Discussion - Preparing Students for College Physics

(Lunch is included in the registration fee.)

What skills do students need to succeed in introductory college physics?

  • learn what college physics professors observe in 100-level physics classes
  • discuss skills and mindsets that lead to success in college physics courses


1:00 - 2:15 

Lunar Crater Simulation Lab

Find the relation between crater size and kinetic energy by dropping steel balls in sand - and use it to estimate the size of impactors of real craters.  (Bring a laptop for analysis.)

  • learn how crater sizes depend on kinetic energy of impactors
  • fit real data with a power law relation
  • Learn about the theory behind the relation


2:15 - 3:30

Physics Demo Share-a-thon

Bring your favorite demo and share with the group!

  • learn new physics demonstrations from others
  • find ways to increase student engagement
