Stephen Padalino has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1985.

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. & M.S., Nuclear Physics; Florida State University
B.S., Applied Physics; Stockton State College
A.S., Chemistry; Community College of Morris
Vitae 2021
Dr. Stephen Padalino
Department of Physics and Astronomy
State University of New York at Geneseo
1 College Circle, Geneseo New York 14454
Academic Vitae
May, 2021
Academic Degrees
(1985) Ph.D. Nuclear Physics, Florida State University
(1983) M.S Physics, Florida State University
(1977) B.S. Applied Physics, Stockton State College, New Jersey
(1975) A.A. Chemistry, County College of Morris, New Jersey
Teaching Experience
(2007 - ) Distinguished Teaching Professor SUNY/Geneseo
(1995- 2007) Professor of Physics SUNY/Geneseo
(1995-1998) Endowed Alumni Professor
(1990-1995) Associate Professor of Physics SUNY/Geneseo (EIT 1992)
(1985-1990) Assistant Professor of Physics SUNY/Geneseo (tenured 1990)
(1979-1980) Laboratory Instructor, Florida State University
(1978-1979) Lecturer and Laboratory Instructor, Ohio State University
(1977-1978) Staff Instructor, Stockton State College
Awards and Recognitions
(2017 - ) American Physical Society Fellow
(Sept 2007) Awarded - Distinguished Teaching Professor
(Fall 2006) Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship
(Spring 2006) SUNY Research Foundation Research & Scholarship Award
(2001) Council for Advancement and Support of Education- CASE Professor of the year for New York State
(2000) Harter Award for Faculty Mentoring of Undergraduate Research Students
(1995-1998) Alumni Professor - A partially endowed professorship
(1992) Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award
Administration Experience
(2000- 2005) Associate Provost for Budget, Technology, and Research, the division of academic affairs
(2004-2005) Associate Provost & acting Chair of the Art Department
(2002-2003) Associate Provost & acting Chair of the Political Science Department
(2001 -2002) Associate Provost with oversight and budget control for the Anthropology Department
(1996- 2000) Chair of the Physics & Astronomy Department
(1995-1996) Associate Chair of the Physics Department
(1987- ) Project Director for multiple grants
(1987-1996) Director of the Nuclear Structure Laboratory
Current Professional Memberships
APS-DNP - American Physical Society Division of Nuclear Physics
APS-DPP - American Physical Society Division of Plasma Physics
CUR – Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR National Councilor)2
Courses taught
HONR 205 Sustainable Energy (Honors student course in science)
HONR 393 Capstone course for honors students
PHY 311 Advanced Mechanics I (Newtonian Mechanics)
PHY 321 Atomic and Nuclear Physics
PHY 121 Analytical Physics I laboratory
PHY 122 Analytical Physics II laboratory
PHY 123 Analytical Physics 1 Lecture
PHY 388 Advanced Quantum Mechanics
PHY 381 Astrophysics lecture
CSC 230 Digital Electronics lecture
CSC 230 Digital Electronics Laboratory
PHY 399 Directed Study (research)
PHY 364 Experimental Physics
PHY 188 Freshman Physics Experience
PHY 389 Honors Research
HON 302 The roots of scientific change in the 20th century)
PHY 394 Independent Research
PHY 362 Intermediate Laboratory I
PHY 363 Intermediate Laboratory II
PHY 134 From the Bomb to the Big Bang
PHY 134 The Making of the Atomic Bomb
PHY 134 Moon Shot: The Mercury, Gemini and Apollo NASA programs
PHY 108 The Way Things Work
Research Summary
Current Collaborations
Laboratory for Laser Energetics, University of Rochester
Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Livermore California
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Types of External Grants during the last 35 years
2 National Science Foundation
4 United States Department of Energy
4 National Laser User Facility
26 Laboratory for Laser Energetics
1 Los Alamos National Laboratory (equipment)
4 Lawrence Livermore National Lab
5 Super Conducting Linear Accelerator Lab at Florida State University
1 Navel Research Lab
Funding for research > $8,787,440
Funding for equipment on permanent loan > $400,000
US Congressional member item (Federal earmark) Along
with Charlie Freeman, Kurt Fletcher, Ken Levison and other
administrators, I played an instrumental role, as associate provost 3
and physics professor, in obtaining a new Tandem Pelletron
Accelerator for Geneseo's nuclear physics Lab.
~ $780,000
Total funding to date (including Pelletron support) > $9,670,000
Research Projects with students (mentoring students in the research lab totals for the past 35 years)
Number of full time funded Undergraduate students during the last 32 summers >500
Number of students funded during the academic years > 100
Number of unfunded undergraduate students >150 most likely more I have lost track
Research projects undertaken during the last 35 years >120
Research Interests during the last decade
Cosmic ray muon detection for nTOF calibrations
Triple gamma-ray emission of positron annihilation
nTOF detector calibration using accelerators
He3 gas cell target development
Light weight portable survival structure development
Efficiency studies of electric club cars
Deep cycle wet lead acid battery energy storage study
Solar air heater research and collector development
Algae based biofuel study
Particle jets from High Energy-Density Physics
Irradiation of Melanoma using proton radiation
Inertial Confined Fusion Reactions
Neutron detection via nuclear activation
Neutron Time of Flight measurements
Monte Carlo calculations of neutron and gamma ray scattering
Gamma ray spectroscopy or nuclear activated samples
12C(n,2n)11C reaction cross section measurements
T(t,gamma)6He reaction cross section measurements
Rapid Pneumatic Transport of Radioactive Samples
Robotic manipulation of Radioactive samples
Multi-parameter data acquisition system for charge particle and gamma
ray coincidence measurements
Gamma-X, gamma-gamma detection array systems
Particle scattering vacuum chamber development
Calibration measurement of Radio Chromic Film
Calibration of CR-39 track detectors
Determination of the ratio of hydrogen to deuterium in polyethylene
Sustainable energy production
Physical oceanography measurements
- Nuclear Confinement Fusion
- Horseback riding