PHYS 126: Analytical Physics II Lab
An experimental course developing laboratory and analytical skills in physics. Includes experiments in electric fields, Ohm's law, use of the oscilloscope, and electric circuits.
PHYS 261: Programming in Physics
Course will introduce students to computational techniques used in physics. Students will learn programming syntax in a modern programming language and will learn how to simulate physical systems and solve problems arising in physics and astronomy, as well as in other related fields.
PHYS 387: Gravity
This course will cover Newtonian gravity, special and general relativity, and cosmology. Some of the topics include Newton's law of gravitation, Keplerian orbits, special relativity with spacetime diagrams and metrics, generalization to accelerated frames, the Equivalence Principle, curvature of spacetime, classical tests of GR, stationary and spinning black holes, large scale structure of the universe, big bang theory, and the cosmological model.