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Game Designers
Running GAGG is constantly looking for ways in which to provide a better convention experience for attendees, guests, and exhibitors. We have recently developed a new Game Designer track that we hope will make promoting and selling your product easier, more lucrative for you, and provide better gaming availability for our attendees. Many Game Designers have shared that they find it easier to sell their game by running events and having attendees experience the game versus hocking it from an Exhibitor table. To facilitate that we have created this program.
Game Designers do not request to reserve a table(s) within the Exhibitor Hall at which to display, promote, and sell their products. Instead they are provided game play space for events they have submitted for attendees to experience their game and then are offered rights to sell that product from the event table to interested attendees. By signing up as a Game Designer you are agreeing to the following:
- To Submit at least two(2) events per day attending the convention or five(5) events throughout the overall convention.
- Contribute one copy of your game (product) to the Geneseo Area Gaming Group (GAGG) library so that they may become more familiar with your game and promote it in the future.
- Game Designers will receive permissions to sell their game to attendees at their events.
- Game Designers will receive one Game Designer Badge to the convention.
- Game Designers will be included in our Special Guests section of the onsite conbook if a bio of no more than 200 words and an digital picture of at least 150 DPI quality is provided by January 8th, 2023 in one of the following formats (png, jpg, tiff, eps, or PDF). Please email this information to
If you would prefer to attend as an exhibitor please read our exhibitor information page.