Lesson Plan Template
Name of Lesson:
Educational Priority: The Department of Student Life develops socially responsible citizens who build positive relationships as engaged learners.
Learning Goal (Circle One): Socially Responsible Citizenship Positive Relationships Engaged Learning
Strategy: (How will students learn this lesson – by what means? Choose from list or make a new one!)
Lesson Learning Outcomes: (What specific and measurable outcomes will come from this lesson?)
1. The Learner Will (TLW) ...
2. The Learner Will (TLW) ...
3. The Learner Will (TLW) ...
Before the Lesson: (If a new person is going to try this Lesson, what is everything they need to do and have in order for it to run smoothly?)
Resources: (What resources does the instructor utilize to develop the lesson; specifically readings, collaborators, etc.?)
Materials Needed: (What is everything you need - from a laptop connection to pens - that is necessary to execute the lesson?)
Outline of the Lesson:
Planning Step
1. Introduction/Mental Set
2. Input/New Information
3. Independent Practice
4. Closure
5. Assessment
How to grab their attention
Content you are giving them
How they work with the input
Summary of main points
How you know what they learned