Dr. Yokoyama has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2001.

Fall 2024 Office Hours
Mon 2:00p-4:00p
Tues 2:00p-4:00p
Thurs 2:00p-4:00p
Fri 2:00p-4:00p
or by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
B.S. & M.S. University of Kobe, Japan (with Professor Hajime Kato)
Ph.D. University of Colorado (with Professor Carl Lineberger)
Post-Doctoral Fellow at University of Minnesota (with Professor Paul Barbara)
Publications: Papers
K. Yokoyama, E. Barbour, R. Hirschkind, Bryan Martinez Hernandez, K. Hausrath, and Theresa Lam
“Protein Corona Formation and Aggregation Process of Amyloid beta 1-40 Coated Gold Nano-Colloids”, Langmuir, Vol. 40, pp. 1728-1746 (2024). https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c02923K. Yokoyama, J. Thomas, W. Ardner, M. Kieft, L. Neuwirth, and W. Lieu, “An Approach for In Situ Detection of Amyloid Formations within the Hippocampus of the Cohen’s Alzheimer’s Disease Rat Model by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Methods”, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 393 pp. 109892 - 109901 (2023)
https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1h9HSbXTP5PORK. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki, “Adsorption of Amyloidogenic Peptides at Nano-Scale Interface Studied by Spectroscopic Approach”, Journal of Visualized Experiments (under the review).
K. Yokoyama, T. Lam, J. Santariello, and A. Ichiki, “Nano-size dependent Reversible Self-assembly of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Spike protein”, Colloids and Surfaces A, Volume 647 128967 - 128973 (2022)
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927775722007221?via…K. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki, “A Model for Nano-Scale Spherical Surface Coverage and Protein Corona Formation by Amyloidogenic Peptides , The International Journal of Biocomputing and Nano Technology Volume 1, pp. 21 – 28 (2022)
K. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki
"Nano-size Dependence in the Adsorption by the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein over Gold Colloid"
[Colloid and Surfaces A,Volume 615, pp. 126275-126281 (2021)K. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki, "Nano-Size Dependence in the Adsorption by the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein over Gold Colloid", Colloids and Surfaces A, Vol. 40 pp. 100356-100362 (2021)
K. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki, “What can peptide-coated nanoparticles tell us about the causes of dementia?”, Research OutreachJournal of Visualized Experiments, pp. 110-113, Issue 116 (2020)
http://cdn.researchoutreach.org/Flipbooks/RO116/index.html#K. Yokoyama, K. Brown, P. Shevlin, J. Jenkins, E. D'Ambrosio, N. Ralbovsky, J. Battaglia, I. Deshmukh, and A. Ichiki, “Examination of Adsorption Orientation of Amyloidogenic Peptides Over Nano-Gold Colloidal Particles’ Surfaces”, Int. J. Mol. Sci., Vol 20, pp. 5354-5380 (2019). https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/20/21/5354
K. Yokoyama, H. Chen, A. Islam, I. Deshmukh, P. Shevlin, K. Brown, and A. Ichiki, "Dynamical Investigation of Adsorption Orientation of Amyloid Beta Peptide 1-40 at Nano-Scale Gold Surface”, BAOJ Chemistry, Vol. 5 (1), pp. 1-20 (2019).
Publications: Text Book & Book Chapters
K. Yokoyama “Modern Physical Chemistry for Bioscience Students - Friendly and Short Cut Guide for Physical Chemistry” (2011) Linus Publication, ISBN# 1-60797-185-2 First Edition (604 pages), ISBN# 1-60797-246-8 Second Edition.(618 pages), ISBN# 1-60797-337-5 Third Edition.(592 pages), ISBN978-1-60797-897-8 (2020)K. Yokoyama (Editor) “Frontiers in Nanoscience for Biomedical Research” Research Signpost, ISBN# 978-81-308-0537-5, (2014).
[Book Chapters]
K. Yokoyama, “Investigation of protein-protein interaction utilizing nano-gold colloid surface plasmon resonance: Application to SARS CoV-2 spike protein coated gold colloids”, ACS Symposium Series Volume 1428, Physical Chemistry Research at Undergraduate Institutions – Innovative and impactful approaches Volume 2, Chapter 9 pp. 145-164, (2023) Edited by Todd Hopkins and Carol Parish, ISBN 978-0-8412-9743-2.Kazushige Yokoyama, Kieran Brown, Peter Shevlin, Jack Jenkins, Elizabeth D’Ambrosio, Nicole Ralbovsky, Jessica Battaglia, Ishan Deshmukh and Akane Ichiki, "Examination of Adsorption Orientation of Amyloidogenic Peptides Over Nano-Gold Colloidal Particle Surfaces" pp. 75-102 in " Designer Biopolymers Self-Assembling Proteins and Nucleic Acids " Edited by Ayae Sugawara-Narutaki Yukiko Kamiya MDPI, Basel, Switzerland (2020)
ISBN 978-3-03936-370-4
https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/2605K. Yokoyama and A. Ichiki "Chapter 3: Oligomerization and Adsorption Orientation of Amyloidogenic Peptides over Nano-Gold Colloidal Particle Surfaces” pp. 139-194 in Advances in Chemical Research, Ed. by James C. Taylor, Nova Science Publishing, Hauppauge, NY, USA. (2020) ISBN: 978-1-53617-627-8.
https://novapublishers.com/shop/advances-in-chemistry-research-volume-6…K. Yokoyama, K. Brown, P. Shevlin, J. Jenkins, E. D’Ambrosio, N. Ralbovsky, J. Battaglia, I. Deshmukh and Akane Ichiki, “Examination of Adsorption Orientation of Amyloidogenic Peptides Over Nano-Gold Colloidal Particle Surfaces”, e-Book Book Chapter, Prime Archives in Molecular Biology, VideLeaf.
https://videleaf.com/examination-of-adsorption-orientation-of-amyloidog…Kazushige Yokoyama “Controlling Reversible Self Assembly Path of Amyloid Beta Peptide over Gold Colloidal nanoparticle’s Surface” Book Chapter in “Nanoscale Spectroscopy with Applications” Sarhan M. Musa –Ed (CRC Press-Taylor and Francis Group, LLC) ISBN# 9781466568532 (2013) [http://www.crcpress.com/product/isbn/9781466568532]
Kazushige Yokoyama “Nano Size Dependent Properties of Colloidal Surfaces” Book Chapter in “Colloids: Classification, Properties and Applications” (Nova Science Publishing) (2012)
Media Related
ACS Chemical Engineering News – Pictures in Chemistry (November, 2022)
White light image of Amyloid beta 12-28 coated Gold colloid aggregates
(https://cen.acs.org/biological-chemistry/Chemistry-Pictures-Van-Goghs-W…)Science Animation
YouTube "How do fibrils form?"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57eMMvl4t6gYokovid Project "Geneseo Community Outreach through Science of COVID-19"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW433WHc1voPod-Cast "Dimentia, degeneration, and gold nanoparticles"
https://researchpod.org/health-medicine/dementia-degeneration-and-gold-…Research Outreach (Science Magazine)
Kazushige Yokoyama & Akane Ichiki
"What can peptide-coated nanoparticles tell us about the causes of dementia?"
Issue 116 (pp. 110-113)
https://researchoutreach.org/publications/issue-116/COVID Information Commons (CIC) Webinar: Winter 2024 Research Lightning Talks and Q & A
K. Yokoyama ”Investigating Reversible Aggregation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein-Coated Gold Colloid”
Journal Editorial Role
Guest Editor: MDPI-"Surfaces" Special Issue "The Study of Adsorption to the Surfaces"
Editorial Board Member of AIMS Biophysics
K. Yokoyama (Editor) “Frontiers in Nanoscience for Biomedical Research” Research Signpost, ISBN# 978-81-308-0537-5, (2014)
K. Yokoyama
Friendly and Short Cut Guide for Physical Chemistry
Modern Physical Chemistry for Bioscience Students
(4th edition) Linus Learning ISBN978-1-60797-897-8 (2020)
Modern Physical Chemistry for Bioscience Students
Linus Learning (2021) ISBN 978-1-60797-931-9
Media (YouTube/iPod)
- Science behind COVID-19 (Community Outreach Project)
Brochure & You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW433WHc1vo&t=3s - Podcast: ResearchPod “Dementia, degeneration, and gold nanoparticles” (2019) https://researchpod.org/health-medicine/dementia-degeneration-and-gold-nanoparticles
- Video Abstract “Nanoparticles and dementia: understanding the role of fibrils” (2019) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaRFzv_1ong&feature=youtu.be
- Research Outreach “What can peptide-coated nanoparticles tell us about?” Issue No. 116, pp. 110-113 (2020). https://researchoutreach.org/publication/ (Research Outreach Featured Article page: https://researchoutreach.org/articles/peptide-coated-nanoparticles-dementia/)
- Science Animation “How do fibrils form?” (2020)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57eMMvcol-lg-4t6g - Yokoyama, K., Thomas, J., Ardner, W., Neuwirth, L.S. & Liu, W. Method for in situ detection of amyloid formation in the hippocampus of the Cohen's Alzheimer's disease rat model by Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. in SSRN (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4092650, 2022).
CHEM 104: Chemistry & Society
A terminal one-semester course designed to acquaint non-science students with how chemistry and science affect their lives. Chemical principles are applied to problems of current interest, such as energy and pollution. Methods which chemists and other scientists use in their attempts to solve such problems are illustrated.
CHEM 105: Chemistry and Society Lab
A terminal one-semester laboratory designed to acquaint non-science students with how chemistry and science affect their lives. Experiments are applied to problems of current interest, such as acid rain. Methods which chemists and other scientists use in their attempts to solve such problems are introduced.
CHEM 118: Chemistry II
A continuation of CHEM 116. Topics to be covered include thermodynamics and reaction spontaneity, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, properties of acids and bases, aqueous solution equilibria, electrochemistry, molecular structure and bonding theories, transition metals and their coordination compounds, and chemical properties of selected elements.
CHEM 129: Intro to Lab Research in Chem
An introduction to research methods used in chemistry laboratories. Topics include utilizing chemical literature, experimental design and iteration, and scientific communication. Students complete a quantitative analysis project utilizing spectroscopic methods and write a technical report describing their work.