Jacalyn Wittmer Malinowski has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2017.

GSCI 135: Dinos and Dodos - Lab
This class is a lecture and lab-based class that will provide an introduction and investigation of how animals like dinosaurs and the dodo bird went extinct. An introductory course, we will focus on how life began, what key processes and events led to the kind of life we see on Earth today, why some animals have survived major natural (and human-caused) environmental changes, and why some organisms went extinct. We will look at key examples of animal extinction and its survivors throughout Earth's history using a modern conservation lens. Topics in the course will center on learning from the past to help us understand and prevent the present 6th extinction using concepts and principles of conservation and sustainability. Field observations of extinct fossils will be a component of this course.
GSCI 135: Dinos and Dodos - Lec
This class is a lecture and lab-based class that will provide an introduction and investigation of how animals like dinosaurs and the dodo bird went extinct. An introductory course, we will focus on how life began, what key processes and events led to the kind of life we see on Earth today, why some animals have survived major natural (and human-caused) environmental changes, and why some organisms went extinct. We will look at key examples of animal extinction and its survivors throughout Earth's history using a modern conservation lens. Topics in the course will center on learning from the past to help us understand and prevent the present 6th extinction using concepts and principles of conservation and sustainability. Field observations of extinct fossils will be a component of this course.
GSCI 361: Paleobiology - Lab
Ecology, morphology, and evolutionary relationships of major groups of invertebrate fossils. Topics include fossil invertebrate phylogeny, evolution, taphonomy, paleoecology, paleoenvironment interpretations, and conservation paleobiology. (Regular field trips conducted outside of class hours.)
GSCI 361: Paleobiology - Lec
Ecology, morphology, and evolutionary relationships of major groups of invertebrate fossils. Topics include fossil invertebrate phylogeny, evolution, taphonomy, paleoecology, paleoenvironment interpretations, and conservation paleobiology. (Regular field trips conducted outside of class hours.)