Melanie A. Medeiros has been a member of the faculty since 2014.

Office Hours
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 8:30-9:30am, 10:20-10:50am
Curriculum Vitae
MA, Ph.D, University of Arizona
BA, American University
Selected Publications
Medeiros, M.A. and Keisha-Khan Y. Perry, eds. 2023. Black Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Critical Research and Perspectives. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Medeiros, M.A. and Jennifer Guzmán, eds. 2023. Ethnographic Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Medeiros, M.A. 2018. Marriage, Divorce and Distress in Northeast Brazil: Black Women’s Perspectives on Love, Respect and Kinship. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Perry, Keisha-Khan Y., and M.A. Medeiros. 2023. "Introduction." In Black Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: Critical Research and Perspectives, edited by Melanie A. Medeiros and Keisha-Khan Y. Perry, 1-17. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Medeiros, M.A. 2023. "A Marriage without Fidelity is a House without a Foundation’: Black Brazilian Women’s Demands for Respect in Marriage.” The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 28(2): 121-130.
Medeiros, M.A., and Jennifer Guzmán. 2023. “An Ethnographic Approach to Studying Latin America and the Caribbean.” In Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean: An Ethnographic Collection, edited by Melanie A. Medeiros and Jennifer Guzmán, 15-26. Toronto, CA: University of Toronto Press.
Medeiros, M.A. 2023. “Emotional Intimacy and the Black Matrifocal Family in Northeast Brazil.” Feminist Anthropology 4(1): 78-90.
Medeiros, M.A. 2022. “Rejecting Remarriage: Respectability & Black Brazilian Women’s Decisions to ‘Opt Out’ of Marriage.” In Opting Out: Women Messing with Marriage around the World, edited by Dinah Hannaford and Joanna Davidson, 104-120. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, Series: Politics of Marriage and Gender: Global Issues in Local Contexts.
Medeiros, M.A. 2022. “Intersectionality and Normative Masculinity in Northeast Brazil.” Gendered Lives, Global Issues, edited by Nadine Fernandez and Katie Nelson, 170-189. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Medeiros, M.A., Patrick McCormick, Erika Schmitt, James Kale. 2021. “Barbie e Ken Cidadãos de Bem: Memes and Political Participation among College Students in Brazil.” Precarious Democracy: Ethnographies of Hope, Despair, and Resistance in Brazil after the Pink Tide, edited by Benjamin Junge, Alvaro Jarrin, Lucia Cantero, and Sean T. Mitchell, 218-231. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
------In Portuguese: Medeiros, M.A., Patrick McCormick, Erika Schmitt, James Kale. 2022. “Barbie e Ken Cidadãos de Bem: Memes e Participação Política entre Estudantes Universitários no Brasil.” Em Democracia Precária: Etnografias de Esperança, Desespero e Resistência no Brasil, editado por Alvaro Jarrín, Karina Biondi, Benjamin Junge, Sean T. Mitchell, e Lucia Cantero, 397-420. São Paulo, BR: Zouk Editora.Medeiros, M.A., J. Guzmán. 2020. Im/migrant Farmworker Deportability Fears and Mental Health in the Trump Era: A Study of Polimigra and Contramigra in New York State.” Culture, Agriculture, Food & Environment 42(2): 1-11.
Guzmán, J., M.A. Medeiros. 2020. “Damned if You Drive, Damned if You Don’t: Meso-level Policy and Im/migrant Farmworker Tactics under a Regime of Immobility.” Human Organization 79(2): 14-149.
Guzmán, J.R., M.A. Medeiros, G. Falkner. 2020. “Teaching Im/migration Through an Ethnographic Portrait Project.” Teaching and Learning Anthropology Journal 3(1): 37-45.
Medeiros, M.A., T. Henriksen. 2019. "Forms of Capital, Employment and Whiteness in Northeast Brazil's Ecotourism Industry." Latin American Research Review 54(2): 366-380.
------Abridged and revised as “Structural Racism and Occupational Segregation in Northeast Brazil’s Ecotourism Industry” for Insights on Latin America and the Caribbean: An Ethnographic Collection, edited by M.A. Medeiros and J. Guzmán, 429-440. Toronto, CA: University of Toronto Press.Jennifer R. Guzmán, J.R., M.A. Medeiros. 2019. “An Unlikely Cause: The Struggle for Driver’s Licenses to Prevent Family Separation.” Practicing Anthropology 41(1): 3-7.
Medeiros, M.A., J. Guzmán. 2016. "Ethnographic Service Learning: An Approach for Transformational Learning."Teaching Anthropology 6(1): 66-72.
Nichter, M., M.A. Medeiros. 2015. "Critical Anthropology for Global Health: What Can It Contribute to Critical Health Psychology?" In Critical Health Psychology, edited by M. Murray. Pp. 291-307. London: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
Medeiros, M.A. 2014. "The Other End of the Bargain: the Socioeconomics of Gender Relations and Marital Dissolution in Rural Northeast Brazil." Transforming Anthropology 22(1): 105-120.
M. Hingle, M. Nichter, M.A. Medeiros, S. Grace. 2013. "Texting for Health: The Use of Participatory Methods to Develop Healthy Lifestyle Messages for Teens." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 45(1): 12-19.
Research Interests
Dr. Medeiros is an engaged, critical medical anthropologist and feminist anthropologist whose research explores health inequities facing women of African descent in the Americas and im/migrant communities in the United States
Dr. Medeiros’ book Marriage, Divorce and Distress in Northeast Brazil: Black Women's Perspectives on Love, Respect and Kinship explores intimate relationships in rural Northeast Brazil to examine how inequality at the intersection of race, gender and class affects relationships and health and well-being in structurally vulnerable communities of African descent.
- Health inequity at the intersection of race, gender and class
- Gender and health
- Anthropology of love, marriage, divorce and kinship
- Immigrant and migrant health
- Healthy equity and social justice
- Global health
- Mental health
ANTH 343: Cross-Cul Persp-Women's Health
This course explores the context of women's lives and challenges to women's health across cultures. This course uses theories and methods from cultural anthropology and related social and health sciences to explain both the position of women in different societies and the connection between race, class, culture and gender roles, and to understand how cultural, social, economic, political, environmental and behavioral factors affect women's health across cultures. This course emphasizes the importance of examining women's health concerns in local as well as global contexts. Prerequisites: ANTH 100 or ANTH 101 or ANTH 202. Credits: 3(3-0) Offered fall even years
IARL 300: Student Ambassador Program
In this course, students work on the implementation of a student ambassador project, applying what they have learned at Geneseo and beyond to work with members of Geneseo's campus and/or local and global community members to address a salient social issue. This course covers topics such as developing a realistic project implementation timeline, budget planning and procedures, communicating with others (in written and oral forms) about ambassador projects, and reflecting on ambassadorship experiences.
Previously Taught Courses
- ANTH 100: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
- ANTH 141: Department of Anthropology First Year Experience
- ANTH 216: Race, Racism and the Black Experience in Bahia, Brazil (Study Abroad)
- ANTH 216: Race, Racism and the Black Experience in Cuba (Study Abroad)
- ANTH 216: Race, Racism and the Black Experience in the Americas
- ANTH 226: Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean
- ANTH 238: Ethnomedicine in Latin America and the Caribbean
- ANTH 241: Department of Anthropology Peer Mentor Program
- ANTH 302: Medical Anthropology
- ANTH 313: Global Health Issues
- ANTH 343: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Women’s Health
- ANTH 382: Ethnographic Field Methods
- ANTH 402: Sociomedical Sciences Capstone
- ANTH 421: Contemporary Theory in Anthropology
- BLKS 188: Race, Racism and Health