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Public Administration Minor
The Public Administration Minor is NOW AVAILABLE to new students!
Coordinator: Dr. Jeonghwa Yang
Office: Fraser 105C
About the Public Administration Minor
The Public Administration minor provides a broad understanding of the political, managerial, and quantitative aspects of public agency functions and policy activities. Through participation in this minor, students have an opportunity to learn practical and analytical skills in preparing for a management career in federal, state, or local government, or to prepare for graduate study leading toward a Master’s Degree in Public Administration, Management, or Public Policy.
NOTE: Current and prospective Public Administration Minor students are encouraged to meet with the coordinator to discuss their course selections and internship programs. For course registration, students are advised to read the Undergraduate Bulletin and check their Degree Works.
Public Administration Minor Total Credits Required
21 credits (7 courses)
- PLSC 395 Political Affairs or Legal Affairs Internship or ACCT 102 Introduction to Financial Accounting
- PLSC 217 Public Administration
- PLSC 314 American Public Policy
- PLSC 216 Presidential Politics or PLSC 218 Politics of Judicial Process or PLSC 315 Legislative Process or MGMT 300 Management Principles and Organizational Behavior or ECON 330 Public Finance or ECON 350 Law and Economics
- One course on political and social systems from the list below
- One methodology course from the list below
- One course on management and organization from the list below
Political and Social Systems Courses
- ECON 340 Environmental Economics
- ECON 345 Economics of Sports
- GEOG 201 Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
- HIST 262: American Indian Law and Public Policy
- PLSC 215 Community, State, and Regional Politics
- PLSC312 American Social Welfare Policy
- PSYC 275 S/Environmental Psychology
- PSYC 368 Health Psychology
- SOCL 102 S/Introduction to Social Problems and Public Policy
- SOCL 213 Sociology of Medicine
- SOCL 310 Sociology of Law
- SOCL 318 Environmental Sociology
- SOCL 333 Sociology of Education
- SOCL 347 Criminology and Juvenile Delinquency
Methodology Courses
- BIOL 250 Biological Data Analysis
- ECON 205 Business and Economic Statistics
- ECON 305 Quantitative Methods
- GEOG 278 Statistics in Geography
- GEOG 286 Introduction to GIS
- Math 242 R/Elements of Probability and Statistics
- Math 262 MATH 262 R/Applied Statistics
- MGMT 250 Information Technology for Business
- MGMT 268 Management Law& New Technologies
- MGMT 350 Information Systems
- PLSC 251 Modern Political Analysis
- PSYC 250 Intro to Behavioral Statistics
- PSYC 251 Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods
- SOCL 211 R/Statistics for Social Research
Management and Organization Courses
- COMN 200 Theory & Prac-Public Relations
- COMN 341 Public Relations Case Problems
- ECON 322 Managerial Economics
- ECON 330 Public Finance
- MGMT 263 Business Law I
- ECON 370 Industrial Organization
- MGMT 346 Human Resource Management
- MGMT360 Labor Relations
- PSYC 265 Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology