MLK Day Workshops

MLK Day Workshops 2017

Giving a Global Voice to Emancipation: How Does Martin Luther King Jr.'s International Vision Influence Leaders Today? [Social Justice Series] [MLK Jr. Day of Leadership & Service ] (Diamond)

Monday, January 16, 11:15 – 12:15 pm | MacVittie College Union Room 322/323

In the Hebrew Bible, the Book of Psalms was the songbook that reminded the ancient Hebrew community of their victories and struggles as they faced the challenges of their time. Dr. King lifted up voices from America, West Africa, India, Ancient Greece and Rome to mind us of how far we have come and how far we still must go to live up to the foundational principles of equality and freedom. The past year's celebration of American emancipation raises key issues for global leadership today. Every time we revisit the documents that outline our democratic values, we must wrestle with the ways in which our generation has or has not lived up to those ideals. McClure will explore a variety of ways in which these texts have been used to inspire civic activism and the development of regional identity as it pertains to leadership in government, education and business. 

Instructor: Glenn McClure - Lecturer, English


Servant Leadership [CIDD] [MLK Jr. Day of Leadership & Service ] (Gold) or (Sapphire) or (Diamond)

Monday, January 16, 11:15 – 12:15 pm | MacVittie College Union Room 322/323

Robert K. Greenleaf defined servant leadership as the natural feeling by an individual to serve first and everything else will fall into place. This leadership model values the education, inspiration and development of others and the direct relationship it has with servant leadership. In a relaxed, fun, and participatory atmosphere, participants are given a brief introduction to the concept of servant leadership, are offered examples of servant leaders, and then encouraged to explore other leaders and leadership opportunities for the elements of servant leadership. One of the principle benefits of this workshop is that it provides a different context and new language for participants to learn in discussing and analyzing leadership

Instructor: Tamara H. Kenney - Director of Student Care Services & Title IX Coordinator for Students, Student & Campus Life


Volunteerism, Engagement & Service [The Golden Ticket to Success] [MLK Jr. Day of Leadership & Service ] (Amethyst) or (Sapphire) *Required Workshop

Monday, January 16, 11:15 – 12:15 pm | GOLD Leadership Center, MacVittie College Union, Room 114

Volunteerism is an active form of exercising leadership for the common good. This workshop is an introduction to volunteerism and community engagement. You will gain a basic understanding of what it means to volunteer, why volunteerism matters, and how to find the right fit for you to provide quality service. Together, you will explore a wide range of volunteer opportunities including direct service, advocacy, and philanthropy and how to get the most out of your experiences. The instructor will cover local volunteer opportunities within Livingston and Monroe county as well as opportunities to serve around the country and the world. Please note: this workshop is required for the Sapphire Certificate but not for the Amethyst Certificate.

Instructor: Samantha Hebel - Coordinator of Student Leadership, Volunteerism and Service, Center for Community


Community Resource Mapping [CIDD] [MLK Jr. Day of Leadership & Service ] (Sapphire) or (Diamond) or (Jade) *Required Workshop

Monday, January 16, 11:15 – 12:15 pm | MacVittie College Union, Fireside Lounge

Civic engagement begins with mapping your community. Every community has a unique history, a specific demographic composition, overlapping organizations and institutions and a particular matrix of human economic and geographic resources. This workshop will provide a conceptual and practical understanding of how individuals and/or groups may overcome obstacles and leverage resources to accomplish goals and positive change through civic and community engagement. Please note that this workshop is required for the Diamond Certificate and an option for the Sapphire and Jade Certificates. 

Instructor: Wes Kennison - Class of '79, and Faculty Fellow for International Studies