Political Science Major
Total Credits Required to Complete Major: 33 *
Basic Requirements: (21 Credits)
- PLSC 110 - S/U/American Politics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 120 - S/Comparative Politics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 130 - Political Theory Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 140 - S/International Politics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 251 - R/Modern Political Analysis Credit(s): 3 *
Two additional courses at the 300 or 400-level Credit(s): 6
American Politics
- PLSC 411 - Public Opinion and the Mass Media Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 412 - American Social Welfare Policy Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 413 - Political Leadership Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 414 - American Public Policy Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 415 - Legislative Process Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 416 - Political Power in American Cities Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 418 - Constitutional Law Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 419 - Constitutional Rights and Liberties Credit(s): 3
Comparative Politics
- PLSC 421 - State and Society in the Nonwestern World Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 422 - Germany from the Nazis to the Present Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 425 - Politics of Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 426 - Government and Politics of South America Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 428 - Middle East Politics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 429 - Politics of Russia and Eurasia Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 451 - Fragile and Collapsed States Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 453 - Religion, Church and State in Contemporary Europe Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 454 - Government and Politics of Latin America Credit(s): 3
Political Theory
- PLSC 431 - Classical Quest for Justice Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 432 - Liberal Democracy and Its Critics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 436 - The American Founders Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 437 - Major Political Philosophers Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 438 - Twentieth Century Political Criticism Credit(s): 3
International Politics
- PLSC 440 - International Law Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 441 - Democracy and International Relations Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 442 - Human Rights in a Global Perspective Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 447 - Terrorism and National Security Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 448 - Politics of International Economic Relations Credit(s): 3
One 400-level capstone or senior seminar
- PLSC 490 - Senior Seminar Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 491 - Senior Seminar II Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 492 - Theories of Comparative Politics Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 494 - Theories of International Relations Credit(s): 3
- PLSC 496 - Global Issues Credit(s): 3
*Students who have taken ECON 205, GEOG 278, MATH 242, MATH 262, PSYC 250, or SOCL 211 will have fulfilled the PLSC 251 requirement but must take an additional 3 credit PLSC course to satisfy the 33 credits of PLSC courses needed for the Basic Requirements category.
NOTE: To graduate with Honors in Political Science, a student must earn 33 credits in Political Science, including the completion of PLSC 493, Honors Thesis, which requires departmental invitation and approval.
Minimum Competence Requirement
A grade of C- or better is required for all courses submitted in fulfillment of the Political Science major (including 30 credits in PLSC and required related courses).
Department Writing Requirement
Political Science majors are evaluated on the basis of substantive content and the quality of exposition in 300- and 400-level courses. Faculty assign writing projects of 15 pages or more including term papers, reports, etc. Faculty have discretion in determining assignments. Grades are reported to the Department Chair at the end of each semester and recorded on the pre-graduation form. A grade of C- or better is required to fulfill the writing requirement.