POPS Lesson 2

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Potential Energy v. Kinetic Energy

Lesson 2

Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of the difference between stored energy (PE) and energy of motion (KE) by their ability to verbally explain the transfer between PE and KE in a physical model.

Essential Question: What's the difference between PE and KE?


State Standards

4.1e Energy can be considered to be either kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion, or potential energy, which depends on relative position (pp. 30).

Related Standards

  • ELA Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information and understanding.
  • ELA Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.


Hands On: Students will experiment with a K'NEX rubber band car.

Enrichment or Further Development

Students can compile a three column list of items that have PE, KE, or both. (ie. Book on shelf, car driving, sky diver). Can be done as a game show style.

View a PHET simulation of a skate boarder and transfer between kinetic and potential energy.

View a "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" TM style online game entitled "Kinetic vs. Potential Millionaire Game". The level might be too difficult for this early in the unit and might be better placed at the end as a review.

TLC has a series of web pages that overview roller coaster history, operation, safety, and physics. Among the readings are animations and pictures. View their animation of the transfer between KE and PE on a roller coaster.