Fall/Spring Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semester(s) are outlined below. Tuition rates for 2024-2025 are subject to approval by the SUNY Board of Trustees.

These rates are subject to change; please contact the Office of Student Accounts with any questions.

SUNY Geneseo generates electronic bills (eBills) to the student's Geneseo email address.

Undergraduate Registered for 12+ Credits 

Students registered for 12+ credits are billed a flat rate. 

Charge Per Semester NYS Resident Non-Resident
Tuition: $3,535.00 $8,820.00
College Fee: $25.00 $25.00
Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee : $939.50 $939.50
Total Per Semester: $4,499.50 $9,784.50
Undergraduate Registered for 1-11 Credits 

Students registered for 1-11 credits are billed per credit hour.

Charge Per Credit NYS Resident Non-Resident
Tuition: $295.00 $735.00
College Fee: $1.70 $1.70
Undergraduate Comprehensive Fee: $78.30 $78.30
Total Per Credit: $375.00 $815.00
Graduate Registered for 12+ Credits 

Students registered for 12+ credits are billed a flat rate. 

Charge Per Semester NYS Resident Non-Resident
Tuition*: $5,655.00 $11,985.00
College Fee: $25.00 $25.00
Graduate Comprehensive Fee: $475.75 $475.75
Total Per Semester: $6,155.75 $12,485.75

*Non matriculated and non-degree graduate students taking undergraduate courses pay the undergraduate tuition rate for those courses.


Graduate Registered for 1-11 Credits 

Students registered for 1-11 credits are billed per credit hour.

Charge Per Credit NYS Resident Non-Resident
Tuition*: $471.00 $999.00
College Fee: $1.70 $1.70
Graduate Comprehensive Fee: $39.65 $39.65
Total Per Credit: $512.35 $1,040.35

Other Fees

  • Late Payment Fee:
    • $30.00 for debts between $100.00 and $1,000.00
    • $40.00 for debts between $1,000.00 and $2,000.00
    • $50.00 for debts greater than $2,000.00
  • Late Registration Fee: $40.00
  • Returned Check Fee: $20.00
  • Art Fee: $5.00: $25.00 assists with covering cost of studio art supplies
  • Biology Lab Fee: $11.00 - $50.00 assists with covering cost of biology lab supplies
  • Chemistry Lab Fee: $24.00 - $50.00 assists with covering the cost of chemistry lab supplies
  • Geology Lab Fee: $5.00 - $20.00 assists with covering the cost of geology lab supplies
  • Geography Lab Fee: $5.00 - $20.00 assists with covering the cost of geography lab supplies