Active Design and Construction Projects

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Projects Under Construction

Local Projects

061067 - Replace Pool Scupper Box and Deck Tile - Merritt

This project involves the complete removal and replacement of pool tile and mud set in the pool and the surrounding pool deck. The project also includes the removal and replacement of the pool scupper system and electrical grounding system.
Estimated project cost - $1,200,000

061079 - Replace Controls - Heating Plant Boilers

This project will be upgrading the heating plant boiler controls throughout as the existing controls are outdated.
Estimated project cost - $400,000

061087 / L06147 - Renovate Room 146 Area for Cafe Dining - Brodie Fine Arts

This project involves the creation of a new cafe/eatery at Brodie Hall.
Estimated project cost - $1,000,000

061089 - Replace Roof - Mary Jemison Dining Hall

This project is the replacement of the roof for Mary Jemison Dining Hall.
Estimated project cost - $800,000

D069MS - Residence Hall Arc Flash Study

This project is to assess electrical panels throughout all of the residence hall buildings on south campus and place a rating system on each panel for the proper personal protection equipment (PPE) needed when servicing the panels.  This project also includes the replacement of the electrical switchgear in Onondaga Hall.
Estimated project cost - $1,300,000

D069PV - Replace Flooring at Suites - Genesee & Ontario Halls

This project will upgrade certain suites in Genesee and Ontario with new luxury vinyl tile and/or carpeting.
Estimated project cost - $150,000

State University Construction Fund (SUCF) Projects

061016-01 - Sturges Hall Renovation - Phase 1 Demolition & Abatement

See link here for information on our Sturges Hall Renovation.
Estimated project cost - $6,000,000

061030 - Milne Library Renovation

See link here for information on our Milne Library Renovation.
Estimated project cost - $40,000,000

061048 - Rehabilitate College Circle and Utilities

See link here for information on our College Circle infrastructure improvements.
Estimated project cost - $8,000,000

061061 - Replace Roofs - Lauderdale & Fraser

This project will provide a complete replacement of both the Lauderdale Health Center roof and Fraser Hall roof.
Estimated project cost - $1,400,000

061083 - Rehab - College Union Room 121

This project involves installation of new fireproofing to existing structural members in the space. 

Projects Out for Contractor Bidding

061016-02 - Sturges Hall Renovation - Phase 2 Building Fit-Out

This project is Phase 2 of the Sturges Hall Renovation which is the final build-out of the building to completion.
Estimated project cost - $29,000,000

061070 - Reconstruct Underground Electrical & Data Distribution Systems, North Campus

This project is the installation of new electrical duct banks, electrical feeders and replacement of electrical transformers in approximately 15 buildings including residential and academic buildings.  This project will also install new networking communication duct bank systems.  The project area is approximately from Merritt Athletic Center to Court Street.
Estimated project cost - $18,000,000

D069OL - Interior Sanitary Sewer Replacement - Niagara Hall

This project involves the repair/replacement of the internal sanitary sewer system in the building.

Projects Under Design

Local Projects

061080 - Site Improvements - Mary Jemison Dining Hall

This project will investigate the site conditions on the east side of the building, including drainage, bridge, steps and ramp.  This project will look at the improvements needed in this area.
Estimated project cost - TBD

061091 - Replace Water Line & Drainage - K-Lot

This project will replace an existing water line running through parking lot K, improve parking lot drainage and pavement surfaces.
Estimated project cost - $535,000

061092 - College Union Room 130 - Fireproofing

This project will remove and replace existing structural steel fireproofing, ceiling, lighting, flooring and wall finishes at the College Union, Room 130.
Estimated project cost - $200,000

061093 - College Union Room 202C - Fireproofing

This project will remove and replace existing structural steel fireproofing the College Union, Room 202C suite.
Estimated project cost - $200,000

061095 - Replace Building Automation Systems - Academic Buildings

This project will replace outdated building automation systems, controllers and front end system at our academic buildings.
Estimated project cost - $5,500,000

D069PX - Caulk Windows - Ontario Hall

Remove and replace exterior window caulking at Ontario Hall.

D069QH - Replace Building Automation Systems - Residence Hall Buildings

This project will replace outdated building automation systems, controllers and front end system at our residence hall buildings.
Estimated project cost - $1,300,000

M06731 - Replace Geneseo Sign - Route 63

Design and construction of a replacement entry sign.

State University Construction Fund (SUCF) Projects

061049 - Update Facilities Master Plan

This is a study of anticipated projects for over the next 10 year period.
Estimated project cost - $320,000

061077 - Clean Energy Master Plan

This project is a study of the campus and to identify energy savings measures.
Estimated project cost - $380,000

Projects Out for Consultant Solicitations

Local Projects

D069NS - Replace 2nd Floor Windows-Saratoga Units - Phase 1
06xxxx - Merritt Pool Bleachers and Corridor
061096 - Construct New Facilities Storage Building
06xxxx - Saratoga Terrace Stair Replacements
06xxxx - ADA Ramp - Building 18