Douglas Raynor
Douglas Raynor
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Performance Psychology Lab
Please provide a brief description of your research interests
We are developing a programmatic line of research focusing on behavioral interventions to facilitate self-regulation and optimal functioning in a variety of applied domains.
Are you looking for student research assistants for the upcoming semesters?
Depending on match.
If yes, how many students are you looking for?
In what aspects are student research assistants involved in your lab?
All aspects: study design, study execution, data analysis, presentation at national conferences, and peer-reviewed publication.
What skills are you looking for in student research assistants?
Characteristics: Enthusiasm, intrinsic motivation, conscientiousness, dedication, flexibility, collegiality, willingness to collaborate, willingness to take initiative, leadership, responsiveness to supervision, intelligence, creativity, technology skills, and effective communication skills
Is there anything else you would like to say?
I only invite students who have demonstrated the aforementioned characteristics by excelling in at least two of my courses: Abnormal Psychology, Sport & Exercise Psychology, Health Psychology, Psychology of Personality, Clinical Psychology, and Introduction to Psychological Testing. Students must also have expressed intrinsic interest in my areas of research. Finally, they must be interested in pursuing graduate training in psychology or public health.