Undergraduate Alumni Association's Traditions Challenge

SUNY Geneseo's Undergraduate Alumni Association's (UAA) Annual Traditions Challenge consists of 18 beloved campus and community traditions that can be completed every year. These traditions are meant to be enjoyed over and over.

The Senior Traditions Challenge features seven traditions for seniors to complete in the spring semester. These traditions are considered unique and celebrate seniors and their transition from students to alumni.

Every student is eligible to participate and earn monthly prizes and grand prized in the fall and spring. Only graduating seniors are eligible to win the senior prizes during the spring semester.

Your progress in UAA's Traditions Challenge will be posted publicly once each month to allow you to keep track of how many challenges you've completed and how many you have left to complete.

Annual Traditions Challenge - for all students!

Start your Annual Traditions Challenge now!

Annual Traditions Challenge

1. Get your class pride pin at First Knight; keep it until you graduate (and after) [photo required]

  • Take a selfie wearing your pin or take a picture of your pin on display on your backpack, bulletin board or in a keepsake box during the current academic year.
    • First Knight 2024 photo gallery
    • *UAA will host a Paint the Tree & Capture a Sunset Traditions Challenge event on 8/29/24 (7:30-8:30 p.m.) - we'll post a link to the photos taken at this event (and pics of the painted tree) for you to download/tag and submit as proof of Tradition Challenge completion.
  • Lost your pin or missed First Knight? Pick-up your class pride pin at the UAA table during the Expo, at our meetings, or other events. Email uaa@geneseo.edu or uaageneseo@gmail.com for more information.

2. Capture a sunset at the Gazebo [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while watching a sunset at the Gazebo during the current academic year.

3. Join a club, team, organization, etc. and maintain your membership until graduation

  • List club(s), team(s), or organization(s) you've joined or participated in during the current academic year. Feel free to share your thoughts about your club, team, or organization involvement while at SUNY Geneseo.
  • At SUNY Geneseo, your involvement in student clubs, teams, and organizations is called affinity involvement!

4. Cheer on the Knights [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture at an athletic event during the current academic year.
    • *UAA will host a "photo station" at the 10/26/24 Ice Hockey Home Opener - we'll post a link to the photos taken at this event for you to download/tag and submit  as proof of Tradition Challenge completion.

5. Participate in a UAA meeting, event, or program

  • List the date and type of event you attended. Please also share your feedback about the event you attended. 😊
  • Visit UAA's homepage and/or follow our Instagram for information about our meetings, events, and programs. 

6. Paint the tree [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture at the tree in front of your contribution during the current academic year.
    • *UAA will host a Paint the Tree & Capture a Sunset Traditions Challenge event on 8/29/24 (7:30-8:30 p.m.) - we'll post a link to the photos taken at this event (and pics of the painted tree) for you to download/tag and submit as proof of Tradition Challenge completion.
    • This is a great opportunity to sign the tree and participate in this long-standing campus tradition.

7. Dress up for Holiday Fun Photos [photo provided]

  • UAA hosts this event every fall (in late November or early December). A professional photographer is provided, and your photos are automatically posted to the E-Yearbook. Be sure to follow UAA on Instagram so you don't miss your chance to sign up for a time slot and participate in this festive new tradition.
  • In the space provided, list the date you participate and the name of your group or description of your photos (e.g. Sigma Kappa Seniors, 6 girls wearing matching pjs, or mixed group of 8 wearing ugly sweaters, etc).
    • *UAA will host two-night Holiday Fun Photo Traditions Challenge event on 12/4/24 and 12/5/24 (from 6-10 p.m. each night). We'll post a link to the photos taken at this event for you to download, print, and tag/submit as proof of Tradition Challenge completion.

8. Lounge on the College Green or Sturges Quad [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while lounging on the College Green or Sturges Quad during the current academic year.

9. Play broomball or other intramural sport (credit for players and fans)

  • Players: list the intramural sport(s) in which you participated and your team name(s) during the current academic year.
  • Fans: list the date and intramural sport you attended during the current academic year and which team you were cheering for.

10. Attend or present at GREAT Day or the Diversity Summit

  • Enter the name of your presentation or the events you attended in the current acadmic year.

11. Snap a picture in front of the Emmeline fountain [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture in front of the fountain (preferably from the safety of the sidewalk) during the current academic year.

12. Submit photos to the E-Yearbook [photo submission required]

  • Submit at least one candid photo of yourself or your friend group to the E-Yearbook from the current academic year. Be sure to indicate in which class year gallery you submitted and briefly describe the photo. Photos submitted as requirements for the Traditions Challenge do not count.
  • Sample response: Submitted a photo of my suitemates and me (Wyoming A2D) in the Class of 2027 gallery -- we were celebrating our first "Friends-giving" before leaving for Thanksgiving Break.

13. Virtually meet with an alum on the Alumni Advisor Network

  • List the name of the alum and the date you virtually met during the current academic year.
  • The SUNY Geneseo Alumni Career Advisory Network provides an online platform for current students and young alums to connect with experienced alums. Access hundreds of Geneseo alumni offering expert guidance on a variety of industries, professions, and companies. With an alumni mentor you can explore career options, prepare for an upcoming job search, and/or discuss life after Geneseo. 

14. Enjoy a sub from Aunt Cookie’s [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while enjoying your Aunt Cookies sub (or salad for those who can't enjoy a toasted bun) during the current academic year.
  • Did you know that Aunt Cookie's has been in business since 1971 and recently voted by alumni as their Favorite Current Restaurant and Favorite Restaurant of All-Time?

15. Eat a lunch special at Mama Mia’s [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while enjoying a lunch special (or other menu item meeting your diet and taste) during the current academic year.
  • Did you know that Mama Mia's has been in business since 1990?

16. Visit Letchworth State Park or the Roemer Arboretum [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture during your visit in the current academic year.
  • Letchworth State Park, also known as the "Grand Canyon of the East," is one of the most scenically magnificent areas in the eastern United States -- and the Mt. Morris entrance to park is located just 6.2 miles from campus.
    • The park consists of over 14,000 acres, is roughly 17 miles long, and follows the course of the Genesee River. Letchworth State Park features a deep gorge and includes several large waterfalls. 

17. Shop on Main Street or at the Farmer’s Market [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while participating in this challenge during the current academic year.
    • Any purchase, at any store, of any item, at any amount qualifies!
  • The Geneseo Farmer's Market runs from late-June through mid-October every Thursday from 3:00 - 6:30 p.m. on Center Street.

18. Dine with friends or family in the village [photo required]

  • Take a selfie or pose for a picture while participating in the current academic year.
    • You can "dine" at ANY restaurant, food truck, pub, tavern, diner, pizzeria, lounge, cafe, bakery, etc. located within the village of Geneseo. We encourage you to participate in this challenge with friends and/or family.

Photos submitted online may be featured in the annual e-yearbook and on social media.

Annual Traditions Challenge Prizes
How to earn Annual Traditions Challenge Prizes

Participants can win monthly prizes by completing at least one new challenge each month (see featured months below). Grand prizes can be earned in December and May by completing at least five challenges per semester. Monthly challenges are accrued to meet the semester requirement.

  • September - complete at least 1 challenge
  • October - complete at least 2 challenges total
  • November - complete at least 3 challenges total
  • December - complete at least 5 challenges total by fall-semester study day
    • The submission deadline for the fall grand prize is 11:59 p.m. on 12/9/24.
  • January - no prize/semester break
  • February - complete at least 6 challenges total
  • March - complete at least 7 challenges total
  • April - complete at least 8 challenges total
  • May - complete at least 10 challenges total by spring-semester study day
    • The submission deadline for the spring grand prize is 11:59 p.m. on 5/7/25.

The deadline submission for monthly prizes is 11:59 p.m. on the last day of each month.

Tips for completing your Annual Traditions Challenge
  • Each challenge needs to be submitted online: 2024-2025 UAA Annual Traditions Challenge -- by date listed above.
  • Use a paper copy of the 2024-2025 Traditions Challenge Tracker to track which challenges you've completed and submitted online.
  • You can submit each challenge you complete in real time or save and submit multiple challenges at one time.
  • If you complete the form multiple times, UAA will compile your submissions and track your progress toward earning monthly and grand prizes.
    • Your progress in UAA's Annual Traditions Challenge will be posted publicly once each month to allow you to keep track of how many challenges you've completed and how many you have left to complete.
  • You can complete challenges in any order and at any time. As long as you have the minimum number of challenges completed by the deadline each month or at the end of each semester, you will be eligible to win prizes.
  • Be sure to participate using your SUNY Geneseo student email address.
Start your Annual Traditions Challenge TODAY

Start your Annual Traditions Challenge today!

 Encouraging students to participate in a wide variety of campus and community traditions connects our students to the alumni who have come before. They share meaningful experiences and memories that uniquely tie them to each other and our alma mater.

Every student is an alum from day 1; the Undergraduate Alumni Association (UAA) encourages all students to: 

  • Learn about and participate in Geneseo’s traditions — today and for years to come.
  • Celebrate school spirit and treasure all that our college and community has to offer, as a student and as an alum.
  • Geneseo is not just 4 years — it’s 4 life!

Photos submitted online may be featured in the annual e-yearbook and on social media.