Medical Leave of Absence

The College recognizes that there are times when physical and mental health issues arise and prevent a student from functioning at their best. In such instances, students are encouraged to prioritize their health and safety and take steps towards recovery. A medical leave of absence (MLOA) is defined as a voluntary and temporary interruption of one’s studies based on a documented physical or mental health problem. A medical leave of absence is granted through Student Health and Counseling.

Taking a Leave

Students may take leaves of absence from their studies for up to two semesters and retain the right to enroll at the College at the end of the leaves without applying for readmission. Applications for general leaves of absence may be obtained and filed in the Enrollment Management Office. To help a student determine the leave of absence options and to provide resources, a meeting should be arranged with Lisa Bishop, Enrollment Specialist at or 585-245-5463. Please note that only a student can initiate and complete the leave process. Families and others are welcome to consult.

Students who wish to take a Medical Leave of Absence will review and complete the Medical Leave of Absence Checklist.

This checklist should be emailed to Amy Gonzalez at In addition to the checklist, please submit documentation from a provider indicating your need to take a medical leave (this can include an appointment note, letter from a facility or provider, or by completing the physical or mental health provider form below). If you have been exclusively seeing any of our clinical staff (physical or mental health), you may reach out to them directly (via secure message in your health portal) for documentation as well as to coordinate care and medication management outside of Student Health and Counseling.

After the student completes the process (including submission of any required documents), the student will receive an email that confirms approval of the Medical Leave of Absence (please allow 48 business hours after submission to receive a final approval). Upon approval, the effective date of a medical leave is the date the leave was requested.

*Note: The general Leave of Absence Application must also be submitted for an approved Medical Leave to be processed.

Returning from a Leave

Requests to return from a medical leave should be received no later than 30 days prior to the start of the semester in which you expect to return (exceptions will be accepted and reviewed). Contact Amy Gonzalez at Student Health and Counseling to advise of your intention to return. The student should request that their clinician(s) complete the provider form indicating their support for the student to return. All correspondence from clinicians must be on the clinician's letterhead. The clinician cannot be a student's family member. The clinician/facility must complete the appropriate provider form below, physical health or mental health.

The Department of Student Health and Counseling is responsible for making the final decision regarding the student's return (please allow 48 business hours after receipt of all documents to receive a response). The student will be notified via email once a decision has been made. Upon a favorable return decision, the student’s record will be changed to reflect a return.

To assist students with a successful return to campus, consultation with Rachel Radovich-Chu, Clinical Case Manager in Student Health and Counseling, is available. Students can request an appointment through Amy Gonzalez. Students will receive a check-in email from Lisa Bishop with instructions for registration and housing planning and related information and can also meet with Lisa for support in these areas.