Listserv Management

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Approved By:
Effective Date:
Revised Date:
General College
Policy Owner:
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Office Number:


This policy applies to all SUNY Geneseo email users. 

Policy Statement

This policy aims to identify protocols governing the management of email listservs at SUNY Geneseo to ensure compliance and maximize their communication effectiveness.


In support of instruction, research, and administrative operations, SUNY Geneseo provides a campus email system to share information, improve communication, transact College business, and exchange ideas. E-mail is considered an official means of communication for the members of the SUNY Geneseo community. To that end, the requesting and managing College listservs must adhere to the proper process and classification.

Listserv Management

The Office of College Communications and Marketing is responsible for ensuring adherence to this policy. The Chief Communications and Marketing Officer and designee must be members of all official college lists. Failure to comply with the policy will result in a warning. After three reminders, Communications and Marketing will contact the individual’s supervisor and inform the individual that they will not be allowed to send to the list for at least 30 days.


List Moderation for Official College Lists

Every list must have at least two moderators, full-time employees of SUNY Geneseo, a main moderator, and an alternate as backup. Moderators may not moderate email posts they submit. Any student who requests a new listserv list must provide the name of a full-time employee who will serve as the sponsor for the list. Moderators are responsible for reviewing and approving email messages posted to the listserv within one business day, using the following guidelines:

  • Emails must have a clear subject line.
  • Emails must meet accessibility standards. Images must not be embedded unless alt-tags are included for screen readers. Attachments are prohibited. Web links should be used if further information is required.
  • Events are not permitted to be shared via listservs. To promote an event, visit the Events Calendar. (Please note that events are shared campus-wide via the events newsletters automatically derived from the online events calendar.)
  • Updates, mainly recurring and information that is not urgent, should be submitted to Today at Geneseo.
  • Emails should be proofed for accuracy and must be free from typos and significant grammatical errors.
  • Messages must be aligned with the purpose of the list. See Table 1 below.
  • Messages must follow all related college policies (e.g. Information Technology Acceptable UsePromoting a Respectful WorkplaceZero Tolerance of Threats/Violence, etc.)






All employees and currently enrolled students

Emergency notifications

University Police, Incident Management Team 


All currently enrolled students

Official College policies, SUNY policies, legal mandates, and any messages students need to know to be students in good standing.

Dean of Students, Office of the President, Communications and Marketing


All currently enrolled students

Important information about academics, such as changes in policies and procedures, calendar information and upcoming deadlines.

Registrar, Advising Office


All employees

Cabinet-level communications, crisis/issues communication, employment information.

Office of the President, Communications and Marketing, Human Resources


Emeriti faculty and retired staff

News of interest to retirees

Office of the President, Communications and Marketing


All currently enrolled students

College or department updates, including newsletters.

Dean of Students, Communications and Marketing


All currently enrolled students living on campus

Information intended for all residential students

Dean of Students


All currently enrolled students living off campus

Information intended for all students living off campus

Dean of Students


All academic faculty members

Information relevant to academic faculty members

Communications and Marketing


All teaching faculty members

Information for all academic faculty, including professional staff who teach courses

Provost Office


Deans, directors and department heads

Information for leaders intended to be cascaded to staff appropriately

Communications and Marketing, Human Resources


All members of College Senate

Information related to College Senate matters, including agendas, minutes, etc.

College Senate


Administrative professionals

Information for management confidential staff only

Human Resources


Secretarial staff in all departments

Information for secretaries

Human Resources


CSEA bargaining unit members

Information for CSEA members only

CSEA President, CSEA Secretary


UUP bargaining unit members

Information for UUP members only

UUP President


All UUP non-teaching professionals

Benefits and payroll information for UUP non-teaching professionals

Human Resources


All CSEA, Police, and PEF members

Benefits and payroll information for CSEA, Police and PEF members only

Human Resources

* List members may opt out.

Emails not complying with the above guidelines and purpose will be rejected. The original sender will be required to make corrections and resend as directed.

Sending to multiple lists with cross-membership is not permitted. (e.g. sending the same message to faculty-L, classified-L, and professional-L). If it is targeted to all faculty and staff, Today at Geneseo should be used.

Google Group Lists

Google Group lists used by smaller groups and departments must have at least two owners responsible for the guidelines above and membership for their group.

If a Google Group owner separates from SUNY Geneseo, the existing owner must be removed and a new one must be established and identified by submitting a CIT Helpdesk ticket. 

Google Group lists not used for longer than a year, or whose owner or sponsor is no longer an active SUNY Geneseo staff member for more than a year will be deleted.

Messages posted to Google Group lists must comply with all College policies.

Frequency of Review and Update


Periodic Review Completed:  


Signed By  
Kerri Howell

Kerri Howell
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer

Date of Approval