Ethics and Values in Society

Program Highlights

  • The minor is designed to be flexible and easy to combine with a variety of majors, minors, and microcredentials, especially in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Students may receive permission to waive in courses not offered on the official list, such as experimental or new courses on relevant topics.

Sample Courses

  • Applied Ethics
  • Ethical Theory
  • Ethics
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Social and Political Philosophy

Ethics and Values in Society

Why study ethics and values at Geneseo?

Are you eager to apply what you learn in the classroom to solve problems in society? Do you aspire to be a community activist, an advocate for justice, a positive leader in the corporate world, or a game-changing lawyer? This minor can help you do meaningful work to improve your community and your own life.

This interdisciplinary program includes foundational coursework in philosophy, topical courses drawn from more than a dozen disciplines, and a student-driven capstone experience. Students take up classical ethical theories and philosophical methods in the foundational required courses, and then apply this theory and methodology to real-world issues through their choice of electives.

Program Options


Popular Electives

  • Black Lives Matter
  • Civil Rights Movement in America
  • Computer Ethics
  • Environmental Ethics
  • Europe in the Shadow of War
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Gender and Sexualities
  • Global History of Sexual Science
  • Inequality, Class, and Poverty
  • Medicine and Morality
  • Race, Racism, and the Black Experience
  • Sustainability and Environmental Issues
  • Women and US Social Movements

Contact Info

David Levy, Philosophy Department Chair
Welles 107B

Philosophy Dept

Philosophy Faculty

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