Senate Meeting Dates
2024–2025 Academic Year
A calendar with events of relevance to shared governance, including the following, is available in Google Calendar; search for the name "Geneseo College Senate."
Senate Meeting Dates
Regular meetings of the College Senate are on Tuesdays, roughly monthly. For 2024-2025, all meetings will convene via Microsoft Teams. The link to join the meeting is
- September 10
- October 8 (with All College meeting)
- November 5
- December 3
- February 11
- March 25
- April 15
- May 6
Executive Committee Meeting Dates
Regular meetings of the Executive Committee are on Tuesdays preceding College Senate meetings. For 2024-2025, most meetings will convene via Microsoft Teams.
- August 27
- October 1
- October 29
- November 19
- February 4
- March 11
- April 8
- April 29
Note that parliamentary procedure precludes meeting guests from introducing business at meetings. Anyone wishing to bring up business should consult with their representative senator, the Senate Chair, or the Parliamentarian.
Default Senate Calendar
The general pattern for meetings of the College Senate and its Standing Committees is on this page.