SUNY Geneseo IFB for Bus Transportation for Intercollegiate Athletics, Ref. No. C012020

SUNY Geneseo has issued an Invitation for Bids (IFB) for Bus Transportation for Intercollegiate Athletics, Ref. No. C012020.  The contract resulting from this IFB will be for a five (5) year term beginning August 1, 2021 and ending July 31, 2026.

To ensure timely receipt of any amendments to this IFB, and a listing of any written questions received and the College's official responses, prospective bidders are asked to email the Director of Purchasing & Central Services, Rebecca Anchor, at to express your interest in participating in the IFB and ensure she has your contact information.

A "Letter of Intent to Submit a Bid" is required for this IFB opportunity, and is due by the close of business Monday, April 26, 2021 (4:15 p.m.).  Bidders are asked to use the "Letter of Intent to Submit a Bid" template provided in Attachment 6 of this IFB.

The documents on this webpage will be updated if/as amendments to the IFB are made.  Written questions received in response to this IFB will be posted here by COB Wednesday, April 21, 2021.   *WRITTEN QUESTIONS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO THIS IFB.*

*Bid proposals in response to this IFB are due at 2:00 p.m. EDST, Friday, April 30, 2021.*

The eight (8) files that contain all of the documents that comprise the entire IFB, Ref. No. C012020, are below:

IFB document as a Word file (pages 1-73)

Trip Schedule and Cost Proposal Form (Attachment 10) (Excel file)

The procurement forms not contained in the above Word and Excel files: