Adopt-a-Family Gifts donated in 2017 (SUNY Geneseo photo/Keith Walters '11)
With the holidays upon us, many departments across campus are collecting food, gifts, and other goods for those in need this holiday season. Below is a just a sampling of what is being collected for those less fortunate in our region.
Colleges Against Cancer drive for Hope Lodge
Through Friday, Dec. 7, Erwin Hall 202
The Hope Lodge is a home in Rochester that offers cancer patients and their caregivers a free place to stay while they are undergoing treatment. The Hope Lodge takes much of the burden off of patients and allows them to focus solely on their recovery. Geneseo's Colleges Against Cancer Club is collecting goods including non-perishable food, stationery items, kitchen paper and cleaning products, bath mats, shower curtains, and other consumables.
Holiday Knights Food Drive
2–4 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 11
Nonperishable food and personal care items can be donated at the annual Holiday Knights gathering in MacVittie College Union Ballroom. Collected items will be donated to the Geneseo/Groveland Emergency Food Pantry in the Village of Geneseo.
Annual Adopt-a-Family Holiday Toy and Gift Drive
All day drop off, Friday, Dec. 7, MacVittie College Union 353
Please drop off new and unwrapped toys, games and clothing for youth age 0-18-year-old that will be provided to families in a "shop" setting for them to choose gifts for their family before the holidays.
8th Annual Teddy Bear Toss
7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7, Wilson Ice Arena, Merit Athletic Center, Geneseo vs. Brockport Hockey Game
The eighth-annual event is sponsored by SUNY Geneseo Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) and the men’s hockey team. All in attendance are encouraged to throw a new or gently-used stuffed animal onto the ice following the Knights’ first goal. The toys will be donated to the Livingston County Chapters of Catholic Charities, Focus on the Children, and Foster Children of Livingston County.
Multicultural Children’s Book Drive
Through Tuesday, Dec. 18, School of Ed. Mailroom, South Hall 218
The School of Education is hosting a multicultural book drive to benefit the children of the Dr. Charles T. Lundford School No. 9 in Rochester, N.Y.
Psychology Club Supplies Drive
9 a.m.–4 p.m., Dec. 3–7, MacVittie College Union/Various Campus Locations
School supplies, art supplies, school snacks, women and men’s personal care products and small general gifts are being collected to benefit RKids After School Enrichment Program. Supply lists are available at drop-off areas.