SUNY Geneseo has been recognized as a Tree Campus USA College by the Arbor Day Foundation. (SUNY Geneseo/Keith Walters '11)
SUNY Geneseo is named as a 2021 Tree Campus USA College by the Tree Campus Higher Education, an Arbor Day Foundation program that honors colleges and universities and their leaders for promoting healthy trees and engaging students and staff in the spirit of conservation.
The 2021 designation recognizes Geneseo’s sustained commitment to environmental stewardship. In order to receive such recognition from the national program, Geneseo had to meet Tree Campus USA’s five standards. The five standards include creating a Tree Advisory Committee, making a Campus Tree Care Plan, planning dedicated annual expenditures for its Campus Tree Program, formulating an Arbor Day observance, and making a student service-learning project.
Fostering nature and trees on campus is among many sustainability initiatives Geneseo has undertaken, including outfitting buildings with geothermal heating, implementing green building practices, and other efforts. Learn about all of the sustainability initiatives on campus and how the college’s faculty, staff, students, and alumni address the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals in our award-winning, interactive map.