Infrastructure improvements got underway this summer as part of a $10M project to upgrade electrical, telecommunications, heating, water and sewer lines on campus.
The project, which covers a large section of campus acreage, is being conducted in a series of seven construction phases. Sidewalks and landscaping around campus are also expected to be freshened up and improved.
“We are making good progress toward our October 2018 target completion date,” said Dave Norton, associate director of facilities planning and construction. “And it’s partly due to the diligence of our contractor, CATCO Construction. They have been particularly conscientious about working on our historic campus, most notably, in ensuring that icons like the Seuss Spruce and the Painted Tree are safeguarded throughout the construction process.”
Construction Timeline
Completed Summer 2017
Phase 2: May to August 2017: The area on the north side of Clark B, stretching toward Lot P and Lot PP.
Planned for Fall 2017 Semester
Phase 1: May to November 2017: Upgrades began in the area between Clark A, around the Heating Plant and up through the south side of Sturges Hall.
Phase 3: June to October 2017: The west side of South Hall as well as a large section of South Hall quad.
Phase 4: August 2017 to August 2018: The main walkway south of Blake Hall between Erwin and Sturges Hall.
Phase 5: August 2017 to August 2018: Sturges Quad.
Phase 6: May 2018 to August 2018: The area stretching between Blake Hall and the Integrated Science Center, and the area on the east side of Newton Hall.
Phase 7: August 2018 to October 2018: The area stretching between University Drive and Blake Hall.
As the project unfolds, building entrances will be closed and alternate entry points made available. A number of pedestrian walkways in some areas will also be fenced off for the duration of the construction. Sturges Quad has been fenced off at all entry points and will remain so until August 2018. Pedestrian traffic may use the connecting hallways, passage and stairways between South Hall, Fraser, Sturges, Wadsworth and Welles Hall to get from point A to point B in and around the quad area. See map for suggested walking paths.
“I want to extend my sincerest thanks to the campus community for their patience during this project,” said Norton. “We’ve had to reroute pedestrian traffic in various places across campus—in particular, around Sturges Quad. I truly appreciate how we’ve come together to ensure that new members of our community and visitors are able to find their way around—particularly in these first weeks of the semester.”