Melissa Sutherland

Associate Professor of Mathematics
South Hall 326C

Melissa Sutherland has been a member of the SUNY Geneseo faculty since 2001.

Melissa Sutherland

Office Hours

  • By appointment

Curriculum Vitae


  • B.A., State University of New York at Geneseo, 1992

  • M.A. (1994), State University of New York at Albany

  • Ph.D. (1998), State University of New York at Albany


  • Increasing Representation of Women and Other Historically Excluded Groups in STEM, Mathematics Education, Commutative Algebra, Technology


  • EXPL 125: Academic Coaching

    A half-semester course on learning strategies, study skills, time management, note-taking, project management, and personal well-being offered for current or pre-college students. Fifteen required instructional contact hours plus online modules. Recommended for students struggling academically or students eager to begin college equipped with metacognitive  learning strategies and success tools.

  • MATH 222: Calculus II

    Topics studied are methods of integration, applications of definite integrals, sequences, improper integrals, and series, parametric equations and polar coordinates.