“Keeping the conversations going.”
The Library’s IDEA Committee exists to develop and promote IDEA efforts in Library policies, practices, programming, and services. It will also promote and reflect SUNY Geneseo's Diversity, Inclusivity, and Equity principles.
The mission of the committee is to educate the college community and Library staff in creating a welcoming and supportive community for our students, faculty, and staff. Our acronym stands for Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism, hence IDEA.
Library Statement of Solidarity on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Anti-Racism
The IDEA Committee is charged with finding ways to promote the college's values of diversity, equity, & inclusion with the Library by offering or recommending educational programming to Library staff on IDEA concepts; helping the library demonstrate its appreciation of the diverse student body; and reviewing Library services or initiatives to be more inclusive of IDEA frameworks.
The committee is also charged to focus awareness on the necessity to foster the ideas of inclusivity, diversity, and equity.
This awareness should not only be confined to the library, but be extended to the campus as a whole.
Everyone is welcome at the SUNY Geneseo Library. With the potential to serve as a place of connection for people and ideas across the College’s disciplinary, community, and racial divides, the Library’s physical and virtual spaces provide a place for people to connect with information as well as each other. The Library staff acknowledges our responsibility to emphasize both of our roles as connector and catalyst for change as we move forward.
“To provide access to information, expert support for scholarship, and a diverse and inclusive environment where patrons come to study, share ideas, and learn.”
To carry out our mission, we accept our responsibility to further social justice by providing equitable access to information, facilitating the creation of new knowledge, and preserving our history so that we may continue to learn from it. Thus, we are committed to recognizing and addressing the history of systemic bias and inequity in libraries and in librarianship, including our collections, spaces, services, and past recruitment practices.
The Library staff is committed to inclusivity, diversity, equity, and anti-racism. To respond to the challenges of a changing academic library environment, we strive to:
Our statement of solidarity is also on the SUNY Geneseo Statements of Support and Action Plans for Racial Justice page.
Since its creation, members of the IDEA Committee have been updating the research guides with diverse resources and language. Most of the guides updated so far are those of Individualized Studies and Cultural Studies, including:
Alessandra Otero Ramos (Chair) - Research Instruction Librarian; Liaison of Arts and Humanities
Becky Leathersich (IDEA representative in the President’s Commission on Diversity and Community) - Research Instruction Librarian; Liaison to Education
Brandon West - Head of Library Research Instruction Services
Teddy Gyamfi - Evening Access Services Manager
Click here to learn about the committee's deeds since its creation in Summer 2020.
Features & Service Locations at Milne
Geneseo Authors Hall preserves over 90 years of scholarly works.
KnightScholar facilitates creation of works by the SUNY Geneseo community.
IDS Project is a resource-sharing cooperative.