Lavender Graduation Celebration


What is a Lavender Graduation?

Lavender Graduation events intend to honor graduating seniors that identify as LGBTQ+ and allies for their contributions to the Geneseo community. These programs also recognize the resilience and advocacy demonstrated by LGBTQ+ students in light of unique experiences and potential obstacles within higher education. 

This year's Lavender Graduation Celebration will take place in the Doty Recital Hall on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 from 4:30pm–5:30pm. Refreshments will be served after the ceremony in Doty Lobby.

Please RSVP by Tuesday, April 30, 2024.

Register for 2023 Lavender Graduation

Graduating seniors are welcome to invite friends or family to the ceremony. You can either forward the link to the registration form in the button above so individual may RSVP for themselves or you may indicate how many guests will be present; for the latter, please indicate the total number of people in your party in the appropriate field in the registration link.

We encourage you to attend in-person. If you cannot attend in-person, you can register for the livestream webinar that will be posted soon. 

More information about the history of Lavender Graduation on a national scale can be found using the link below.  Here you can find the Human Rights Campaign Lavender Graduation webpage.


When is this year's Lavender Graduation Celebration?

The Annual Lavender Graduation Celebration is traditionally hosted in May in the Doty Recital Hall.

This year's Lavender Graduation Celebration will be in-person and take place on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 in the Doty Recital Hall from 4:30pm-5:30pm. Light refreshments will be served after the ceremony.

Please RSVP above for this event by Tuesday, April 30, 2024. 




Awards Presented at the Event

The Lavender Graduation Celebration Planning Committee is also excited to share nomination submission forms for three awards that will be presented at the Lavender Graduation Celebration to honor a student, a faculty or staff member, and an alum for their contributions to social justice. Award recipients will be selected by the Lavender Graduation Celebration Planning Committee and notified prior to the event. Nominations are due on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. Below are the links to the nomination forms, each with additional information about the specific award criteria:

Troy Keith Student Leadership Award

Rainbow Revolutionary Distinguished Alumni Award

Faculty/Staff Award

Award recipients were selected by the Lavender Graduation Celebration Planning Committee and presented to awardees at the reception. 

Previous award recipients:

Lavender Student Leadership Award

Lavender Student Leadership Award

2018  Troy Keith

Troy Keith Student Leadership Award

Troy Keith Student Leadership Award

2019  Vanessa Cepeda
2019   Daniel Kahl
2019   Kevin Vazcones
2020   Julia Eleanor Deacon
2020   Hannah Fahy
2020   Madeline Reichler
2021   Rachel McLauchlin
2022   Adrienne Braico
2023   Mel Dembinski


Aiden J. Cropsey Faculty/Staff Award

Faculty/Staff Award

2017  Dr. Jennifer Katz, Dept of Psychology
2018  Daniel Jacques, Dept of Chemistry
2019  Dr. Irene Belyakov-Goodman, 
2020  Brandon West, Library Research Instruction 
2021  Dr. Amanda Roth, Dept of Philosophy and Women's and Gender Studies 
2022  Dr. Celia Easton, Dean of Academic Planning and Advising
2023  Amy Braksmajer, Assistant Professor of Sociology


Rainbow Revolutionary Distinguished Alumni Award

Rainbow Revolutionary Distinguished Alumni Award

2017  Ceridwen Troy (2007)
2018  robbie routenberg (2005)
2019  Jennifer Sahrle (2003)
2020  Michael Venturiello (2013)
2021  Ben Conard (2016)
2022  Brian Balduzzi (2009)
2023  Marilyn Tedeschi (1968)



Feel free to send questions regarding the Lavender Graduation Celebration to the Assistant Director of Multicultural Affairs for LGBTQ+ Life, Genevieve Labe, at