David Robertson has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 1999

Curriculum Vitae
Ph.D. Geography (2001), University of Oklahoma
BA Geography (1992), University of Calgary
BSc. Psychology (1989), University of Calgary
SJ Tulowiecki, D Robertson, CPS Larsen, 2020. "Oak savannas in western New York State, circa 1795: synthesizing predictive spatial models and historical accounts to understand environmental and native American influences." Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 110:1: 184-204
Robertson, D., Larsen, C.P.S., and Tulowiecki, S.J. 2018. "Forest Land-Use Legacy Research Exhibits Aspects of Critical Physical Geography" in Handbook of Critical Physical Geography, R. Lave, C. Biermann, and S. Lane eds. (London: Palgrave) pp. 227-248.
Robertson, D., C.P.S. Larsen and S.J. Tulowiecki. 2016 Collaborative Research: RUI: Assessing the environmental and human drivers and cultural dimensions of changes in oak forests of the eastern United States. NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS). Awarded: $232,099 USD
Robertson, David. 2010. "Identity and the Post-Mining Landscape: Observations from the American Mining Town." In Bergbau Folge Landschaft/Post Mining Landscapes. Oliver Hamm and Christiana Gräwe eds. (Berlin: Jovis-Verlag) pp. 144-149.
Robertson, David. 2009. Canadian Studies and American Geography: Trends and Issues. The Canadian Geographer. 53:1:100-112.
Robertson, David. 2006. Hard as the Rock Itself: Place and Identity in the American Mining Town. (Boulder: University Press of Colorado).
Robertson, David 2005. Cultural Landscape Preservation and Public History in Cokedale, Colorado. In Preserving Western History, Andrew Gulliford ed. 2005. (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press) pp. 366-380.
Robertson, David. 2000. Heaps of History: Toluca and the Historic Longwall Mining District. Journal of Illinois History. 3:3:162-184.
Robertson, David. 1999. Beyond Twister: The Geography of Recreational Storm Chasing on the Southern Plains. Geographical Review. 89:4:533-553.
Robertson, David. 1996. Oil Derricks and Corinthian Columns: The Industrial Transformation of the Oklahoma State Capitol Grounds. Journal of Cultural Geography. 16:1:17-44.
More About Me
- Cultural and Historical Geography
- Place and Identity
- Landscape History
GEOG 102: Human Geography
A study of the geographic distribution and interrelationships of human activities over the face of the earth, particularly the variation in cultural and social phenomena and their related imprint on the geographic landscape. Such factors as language, religion, settlements, population, and economic activities are studied as they are distributed and interrelated in earth space.
GEOG 383: Research Human Geog & Sustain
This course develops students' abilities to design and implement original research, and conduct fieldwork, in human geography and sustainability. Through development of independent research projects, students will: learn the fundamentals of research design; become familiar with sources of data used in human geography and sustainability; gain expertise in the application of key human geography and sustainability research methods; and, learn to deliver research results through oral, graphic and written communication. The course also has a field experience component that may require an overnight weekend stay. Linked to advanced independent research, the field experience cultivates student skills in field exploration, observation, and presentation. Students must be in Good Academic Standing with no prior or current disciplinary record.