Active Design and Construction Projects
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Projects Under Construction
Local Projects
- 061079 - Replace Controls - Heating Plant Boilers
This project will be upgrading the heating plant boiler controls throughout as the existing controls are outdated.
Estimated project cost - $400,000 - 061083 - Rehab - College Union Room 121
This project involves installation of new fireproofing to existing structural members in the space.
- 061087 / L06147 - Renovate Room 146 Area for Cafe Dining - Brodie Fine Arts
This project involves the creation of a new cafe/eatery at Brodie Hall.
Estimated project cost - $1,000,000 - 061089 - Replace Roof - Mary Jemison Dining Hall
This project is the replacement of the roof for Mary Jemison Dining Hall.
Estimated project cost - $800,000 - 061095 - Replace Building Automation Systems - Academic Buildings
This project is to upgrade building automation systems at all academic buildings.
Estimated project cost - $5,000,000 - 061120 / M06731 - Replace Campus Entrance Signage
Design and construction of a replacement entry sign.
- 061121 - Install E-Charging Stations - BB & TT Parking Lots
Design and construction of E-Charging stations in BB and TT Parking Lots.
Estimated Cost - $45,000 - D069OL - Interior Sanitary Sewer Replacement - Niagara Hall
This project involves the repair/replacement of the internal sanitary sewer system in the building.
Estimated project cost - $960,000 - D069QH - Replace Building Automation Systems - Residence Hall Buildings
This project will replace outdated building automation systems, controllers and front end system at our residence hall buildings.
Estimated project cost - $1,300,000
State University Construction Fund (SUCF) Projects
- 061016-02 - Sturges Hall Renovation - Phase 2 Fit Out
See link here for information on our Sturges Hall Renovation.
Estimated project cost - $40,000,000 - 061030 - Milne Library Renovation
See link here for information on our Milne Library Renovation.
Estimated project cost - $40,000,000 - 061070 - Reconstruct Underground Electrical & Data Distribution Systems, North Campus
This project is the installation of new electrical duct banks, electrical feeders and replacement of electrical transformers in approximately 15 buildings including residential and academic buildings. This project will also install new networking communication duct bank systems. The project area is approximately from Merritt Athletic Center to Court Street.
Estimated project cost - $29,000,000
Projects Out for Contractor Bidding
- 061091 - Replace Water Line & Drainage - K-Lot
This project will replace an existing water line running through parking lot K, improve parking lot drainage and pavement surfaces.
Estimated project cost - $535,000
Projects Under Design
Local Projects
- 061080 - Site Improvements - Mary Jemison Dining Hall
This project will investigate the site conditions on the east side of the building, including drainage, bridge, steps and ramp. This project will look at the improvements needed in this area.
Estimated project cost - TBD - 061092 - College Union Room 130 - Fireproofing
This project will remove and replace existing structural steel fireproofing, ceiling, lighting, flooring and wall finishes at the College Union, Room 130.
Estimated project cost - $200,000 - 061093 - College Union Room 202C - Fireproofing
This project will remove and replace existing structural steel fireproofing the College Union, Room 202C suite.
Estimated project cost - $200,000 - 061096 - Construct New Facilities Storage Building
This project will construct a new facilities building for necessary campus storage.
Estimated project cost - $300,000 - 061119 - Rehabilitate Corridor & Replace Bleachers - Merritt Pool
This project is to replace bleachers in the Merritt pool and installation of walls to create a passage corridor.
State University Construction Fund (SUCF) Projects
Projects Out for Consultant Solicitations
Local Projects
- G06076 - Backdrop Term Consultant Services - 2025-2027
This project is to obtain qualifications from design firms in order to have qualified term design consultants on hand for future projects.
- G06077 - Surge Space Study - College Union
This project is to conduct a study for relocating use functions, venues and occupants from the College Union to other locations on campus to prepare for a complete building renovation of the College Union.