Meredith Harrigan

Professor of Communication
Blake B 120

As a teacher-scholar of interpersonal, family, and dialogic communication and believer in the constitutive function of communication, I strive to understand how communication enables or challenges personal and relational identity-related goals including connection and belonging.

My education from the University of Nebraska (Ph.D. in Communication Studies), Syracuse University, (M.S. in Speech Communication), and Bloomsburg University (B.A. in Communication and Sociology), equipped me with rich theoretical knowledge of interpersonal and family communication and qualitative and critical methods. As a member of the National Communication Association and Eastern Communication Association, I find great value in learning from others and joy in sharing my individual and collaborative scholarship. My research can be found in the Journal of Family Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Iowa Journal of Communication, and Journal of Social and Personal Relationships.

My most valued professional accomplishments include receiving the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Award, the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the Sandra Petronio Dissertation Excellence Award. My time at SUNY Geneseo has provided an opportunity to share and enhance my communication-related knowledge through course offerings and related campus initiatives such as Intergroup Dialogue coursework and the Cultivating Community series.

In the classroom, I employ a variety of pedagogical practices that support diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, including engaged pedagogy, dialogic pedagogy, and a pedagogy of kindness. Together, my education and experiences have bolstered my passion for the study of communication and strengthened my belief in the interconnectedness of communication, relationships, and quality of life.

Picture of Meredith Marko Harrigan, Ph.D.

Office Hours Spring 2025

I have scheduled three types of hours:  in-person, online and walk and talk hours to meet the various needs and wants of learners.

In-person:  Mondays and Wednesdays 1:15 pm to 1:45 pm in Blake B 120

Online:  Thursday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm at:

I respect your choice to use or not use your camera and ask that you respect mine in return.

Walk and talk:  I welcome conversation after class en route to our next destinations.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2006

  • M.S., Syracuse University , 1999

  • B.A., Bloomsburg University, 1997


  • National Communication Association

  • Eastern Communication Association


  • Kanemoto, E., M.J. Craig, M.E. Gerringer, J. Lewis, A. Michaels, H.M. Smith, S. Yang, J. Yeoh, M.M. Harrigan (In Press). Re-imagining student-faculty relationships: Strengthening social justice efforts through dialogue. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. doi:10.1037/dhe0000602 Open Access

  • Miller-Ott, A. E., & Harrigan, M. M. (2023). Using facework to examine complicated conversations in mother-daughter relationships. In S. S. LeBlanc and S. O’Shay (eds.). Casing the family: Theoretical and applied approaches to understanding family communication (2nd ed.). Kendall Hunt Higher Education.

  • Hosek, M. H. & Harrigan, M. M. (2023) Attributions and framing in working mothers’ reports about division of family labor, Journal of Family Communication, doi: 10.1080/15267431.2023.2165080

  • Harrigan, M. M., Benz, I., Hauck, C., LaRocca, E., Renders R., & Roney, S. (2021): The dialectical experience of the fear of missing out for U.S. American iGen emerging adult college students, Journal of Applied Communication Research,
    doi: 10.1080/00909882.2021.1898656

  • Alford, A. M., & Harrigan, M. M. (2019). Role expectations and role evaluations in daughtering: Constructing the good daughter. Journal of Family Communication.

  • Harrigan, M. M., Hosek, A., & Yang, S. (2019). Daughters’ discursive constructions of working mothers. Constructing motherhood and daughterhood: Communicating across generations.

  • Meadows, M., & Harrigan, M. M. (2019) Virtual and non-virtual disclosure patterns between long-distant mothers and emerging adult daughters. Constructing motherhood and daughterhood: Communicating across generations

  • Harrigan, M. M., Priore, A., Wagner, E., & Palka, K. (2017). Preventing face loss in donor-assisted families. Journal of Family Communication 17:3,273-287, doi:10.1080/15267431.2017.1322971

  • Harrigan, M. M. (2017). Sperm donor. Entry in the SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender

  • Harrigan, M. M., & Bergelson, M. (2015). Bringing theory to practice: Developing facework competence in intercultural collaborations. In A. S. Moore and S. Simon (Eds.), Globally networked teaching in the humanities. Routledge.

  • Harrigan, M. M., Dieter, S. Leinwohl, J., & Martin, L. (2015). “It’s just who I am… I have brown hair. I have a mysterious father”: An exploration of donor-conceived offspring’s identity construction. Journal of Family Communication, 15, 75-93.

  • Harrigan, M.M., Dieter, S., Leinwohl, J., & Martin, L. (2014). Redefining family: An analysis of adult donor-conceived offspring’s discursive meaning-making. Iowa Journal of Communication, 46, 16-32.

  • Harrigan, M. M., & Miller-Ott, A. (2013). The multivocality of meaning making: An exploration of the discourses college aged daughters voice in talk about their mothers. Journal of Family Communication.

  • Harrigan, M. M. (2012). Instructor’s manual for Your interpersonal communication by Mottet, T. P., Vogl-Bauer, S., & Houser, M. L. (2012). New York, NY: Pearson.

  • Harrigan, M. M. (2010). Exploring the narrative process: An analysis of the adoption stories mothers tell their internationally adopted children. Journal of Family Communication, 10, 24-39.

  • Harrigan, M. M., & Braithwaite, D. O. (2010). Discursive struggles in families formed through visible adoption: An exploration of dialectical unity. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 38, 127-144.

  • Soliz, J., Ribarsky, E., Harrigan, M. M., & Tye-Williams, S. (2010). Family communication with gay and lesbian family members: Implications for relational satisfaction and outgroup attitudes. Communication Quarterly, 58, 77-95.

  • Harrigan, M. M. (2009). The contradictions of identity-work for parents of visibly adopted children. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship, 26, 634-658.

  • Schrodt, P., Braithwaite, D. O., Soliz, J., Tye-Williams, S., Miller, A., Norman, E. L., & Harrigan, M. M. (2007). An examination of everyday talk in stepfamily systems. Western Journal of Communication, 71, 216-234.

  • Suter, E. A., Lamb, E. N., Marko, M., & Tye-Williams, S. (2006). Female veteran’s identity construction, maintenance, and reproduction, Women and Language, 29, 10-15.


  • COMN 210: Interpersonal Communication

    This course provides theoretical and practical knowledge about interpersonal communication from both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. This course is designed to help students become more mindful and effective communicators across a number of relational contexts. We will explore the role of communication in creating, maintaining, altering, and terminating relationships. Topics include identity and perception, investment, support, emotional intelligence, relational development, and conflict management.

  • XLRN 250: Intergroup Dialogue

    In a multicultural society, discussions about issues of conflict and community are needed to facilitate understanding between social/cultural groups. In intergroup dialogue, students will participate in semi-structured face-to-face meetings across social identity groups. Students will discuss relevant reading material and will explore group experiences in various social and institutional contexts. The goal is to create a setting in which students engage in open and constructive dialogue, learning, and exploration concerning issues of intergroup relations, conflict, and community. The framework will include the examination of broad contemporary and historical power structures, personal testimonies, and experiences within our own campus community. During the course, participants will examine various types of evidence and engage with personal narratives and reflections; exercises will include participation in intensive group discussions and weekly journals.