Website Hosting Procedure

This procedure applies to all websites hosted on the SUNY Geneseo website. It is the shared responsibility of Computing and Information Technology (CIT) and the Director of Web Strategy (DWS) to maintain and enforce this. Any comments regarding the procedure, or notices of non-compliance of procedure, should be directed to the DWS at or 585-245-5535.

Website Categories

This procedure recognizes the following categories of websites:

  • College websites are the responsibility of College Communications and are maintained by the DWS.
  • Department websites are those sites associated with departments, organizations, and committees staffed by Geneseo employees. This includes official state-sponsored divisions of the college as well as organizations such as Campus Auxiliary Services and the Geneseo Foundation. The given organization is responsible for the content of the website.
  • Student Organization websites are available to student organizations that are officially recognized by the Geneseo Student Association. The given student organization is responsible for the content of the website.
  • Individual Faculty/Staff websites are available to all SUNY Geneseo employees. The faculty or staff member is responsible for the content of the website.
  • Individual Student websites are available to all currently enrolled SUNY Geneseo students using the following options:
    • Personal Confluence wiki spaces and Google sites.
    • All students have the ability to create and personalize their own wiki space or Google site. The student is responsible for the content of their site.
  • Sponsored websites are sites hosted by the College in cooperation with organizations for which the College is represented. Sponsored websites help promote the College’s mission and web visibility. The sponsored organization is solely responsible for the content of such pages.
  • Instructional websites are another potential category but, in most cases, are handled within the campus Learning Management System. In all other cases, instructional websites are either sponsored by a department and considered a department website or they exist within a faculty member's personal website.

Website Services

The services available to each website category are specified in the Website Services Procedure.

Sponsored Websites

Sponsored websites are those hosted by the College in cooperation with organizations for which the College is represented. Sponsored websites help promote the College’s mission and web visibility. The sponsored organization is solely responsible for the content of such pages.

The College strongly recommends that these organizations consider utilizing third-party web hosting options. There are many free or inexpensive hosting options that provide excellent service and support and provide better solutions for the majority of these organizations.

Sponsored websites must be affiliated with the University through staff or faculty representation. The organization requesting hosting services must be a non-profit entity that conforms to the College’s Mission.  Hosting requests for sponsored sites should be submitted to CIT in writing (South Hall 119, 1 College Circle, Geneseo, NY 14454). The request must be approved by the department Chair or Director, and authorized by the appropriate vice president. Final approval is given by the DWS.

Sponsored websites are required to display the following disclaimer:
“This website is the responsibility of the author(s). The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of SUNY Geneseo. Further, SUNY Geneseo does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information presented in this website.”

Sponsored websites may not contain the College's seal.

Sponsored websites may not contain commercial endorsements or advertisements. However, sponsored websites must contain a small copy of the SUNY Geneseo Logo, linked to on the sponsored site's home page.  The logo should be accompanied by the following text: “This site is sponsored by <name-of-sponsoring-department>”.

  • Example: "This site is sponsored by the SUNY Geneseo Leadership, Education, Development, and Training Department."

All sponsored websites must contain the following information on the site's homepage or be listed on a separate page that is linked to the homepage:

  • Author’s name and contact information (i.e., email address, postal address, and telephone number).
  • The date of the last revision of the site and is kept current.
  • A link to the personal website disclaimer, as detailed above.

Sponsored websites are restricted to the use of "static" web file types such as HTML, SHTML, CSS, images, PDFs, and other similar files. Dynamic web programming languages such as PHP will not be allowed without explicit written approval from CIT.


Paul Jackson
Interim Chief Information Officer & Director of CIT