CIT Training
- Spring 2025 Brightspace Workshops
Gradebook: Nuts & Bolts (3/4, 4/29 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
This session will focus on the nuts and bolts of the gradebook - the basics you need to know to get started using the gradebook in Brightspace.Gradebook: Hacking the Workflow (3/5, 4/30 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
This session focuses on some more advanced features of the gradebook, including adding/deleting columns, extra credit, and resolving Brightspace gradebook errors.Making accessible course content (3/6, 5/1 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
This workshop will break down the new Title II federal rule that requires that all of SUNY Geneseo's digital course content meet accessibility standards. Join us to learn how to check your Brightspace course's accessibility score and fix accessibility issues in your course to make your content inclusive to all students.Saving time with Intelligent Agents (4/3 @ 1030-11am on Teams)
Hear from 2 colleagues, Tom Reho (Biology) and Jordain Moore (Study Abroad) who are saving time by using this advanced Brightspace feature, Intelligent Agents. This session will be followed, at a later date and time, by a second more technical session on how to create and deploy Intelligent Agents.Brightspace user group meeting (5/16 @ 10-11am on Teams)
This session is open to all Brightspace faculty and staff users and is intended to be an open forum to talk about Brightspace, recent and/or upcoming changes, accessibility, course reviews, etc.Gradebook office hours (3/11, 3/12, 5/7, 5/8 @ 10am – 2pm in South Hall 225)
Bring your questions about the Brightspace gradebook to office hours. The instructional design team will be available to address your questions and walk with you to the answers.Brightspace office hours (4/23 @ 10am – 2pm in South Hall 225)
Planning to be out and about during GREAT Day? Consider stopping by South Hall 225 with your Brightspace questions.
- Spring 2025 Brightspace Walk-In Office Hours
Brightspace AssistanceWalk-In Office Hours
South Hall 225 10am-2pm
Open Office Hours
- April 23
Gradebook Office Hours
- March 11
- March 12
- May 7
- May 8
- Brightspace: Self-Paced Online Training
New to Brightspace? Take these courses and watch these videos.
Faculty and Staff:
- SUNY DLE Brightspace Fundamentals Asynchronous Modules (course)
- Navigating Brightspace (video)
- Set up a course (video)
- Using the Brightspace Editor (video)
- Creating course content (video)
- Create an assignment (video)
- Create a quiz (video)
- Create a discussion topic and forum (video)
- Grading in Brightspace (video)
- Grades Tool Overview (video)
- Grades Tool - Manage Grades (video)
- Grades Tool - Settings (video)
- Grades Tool - Set-up Wizard (video)
- Geneseo's Introduction to Brightspace for Students (course)
- Navigating Brightspace (video)
- Access course content (video)
- Submit an assignment (video)
- Take a quiz or exam (video)
- Participate in a discussion (video)
- View grades and feedback (video)
Familiar with Brightspace but have topic-specific questions?
- Brightspace Self-Help Collection (curated by CIT)
- Brightspace Higher Education Knowledge Base (curated by D2L Brightspace)
- Instructor Video Tutorials by Brightspace (for faculty/staff)
- Learner Video Tutorials by Brightspace (for students)
Contact the Brightspace Support Team with questions and concerns.
- Digital Storage Strategy Webinar
CIT has developed a strategy for consolidating cloud storage platforms to improve productivity, collaboration, accessibility, and security for our community.
We have completed our DSS sessions but you can watch the recording of our recent webinar! Microsoft Teams Meeting-20240620_143259-Meeting Recording.mp4
- LinkedIn Learning: Self-Paced Online Training
Geneseo students, faculty, and staff have FREE access to the entire LinkedIn Learning training library (over 7,500 courses, and more are added every week) through Geneseo's site license. For more information, visit the LinkedIn Learning Self-Help page.
CIT is available to tailor a training class for faculty in your department who want to learn together! To request a personalized workshop, submit a request.
Contact Laurie Fox if you have questions or suggestions for future workshops.
Upcoming Workshops
- Gradebook: Nuts & Bolts (3/4 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
- Gradebook: Hacking the Workflow (3/5 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
- Making accessible course content (3/6 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
- Gradebook office hours (3/11 @ 10am – 2pm in South Hall 225)
- Gradebook office hours (3/12 @ 10am – 2pm in South Hall 225)
- Saving time with Intelligent Agents (4/3 @ 1030-11am on Teams)
- Great Day 4/23
- Brightspace office hours (4/23 @ 10am – 2pm in South Hall 225)
- Gradebook: Nuts & Bolts (4/29 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)
- Gradebook: Hacking the Workflow (4/30 @ 9-9:30am on Teams)