Michael Webb

Assistant Professor of Chemistry
ISC 327C

Dr. Webb started at SUNY Geneseo in 2022.

Spring 2024 Office Hours

Monday & Wednesday 1-2pm, Tuesday, 11-noon, or any other time by appointment.

Research Interests

Research within the Webb group focuses on the occurrence of metals in medicine as either the therapeutic agent or the target for therapy. Specifically, protein interactions have been observed to be central in either the pathology of several diseases following an interactions with endogenous metal ions, thereby becoming the target for therapy, or in the transportation of metallotherapeutics to their site of action. The projects we are currently investigating are: (1) the use of ruthenium-based therapeutics for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, (2) ruthenium complexes as antibacterial agents, and (3) the interactions between metal ions and the Parkinson’s disease protein. For more information on these projects, please visit my personal research webpage: https://webb-lab.weebly.com/

Michael Webb


Geneseo Student Co-authors are in bold

8. Ehlbeck, J.T.; Grimard, D.M.; Hacker, R.M.; Garcia, J.A.; Wall, B.J.; Bothwell, P.J.; Jones, M.A.; Webb, M.I. "Finding the Best Location: Improving the Anti-Amyloid Ability of Ruthenium(III) Complexes with Pyridine Ligands" Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2024, 250, 112424.

7. Webb, M.I. (2023). The Design of Metal Complexes to Target the Amyloid-β Peptide in Alzheimer's Disease. In Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, R.A. Scott (Ed.).

6. Mensah, S.; Rosenthal, J.D.; Dagar, M.; Brown, T.; Mills, J.J.; Hamaker, C.G; Ferrence, G.M.; Webb, M.I. “A Ru(II)-Arene-Ferrocene Complex With Promising Antibacterial Activity” Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51, 17609-17619.

5. Yawson, G.K.; Will, M.F.; Huffman, S. E.; Strandquist, E.T.; Bothwell, P.J.; Oliver, E.B.; Platt, D.C.; Apuzzo, C.F.; Weitzel, C.S.; Jones, M.A.; Ferrence, G.M.; Hamaker, C.G.; Webb, M.I. “A Dual-Pronged Approach: A Ruthenium(III) Complex That Modulates Amyloid-β Aggregation and Disrupts Its Formed Aggregates” Inorganic Chemistry, 2022, 61, 2733-2744.

4. Meiss, C.J.; Bothwell, P.J.; Webb, M.I. “Ruthenium(II)-Arene Complexes With Chelating Quinoline Ligands As Anti-Amyloid Agents” Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 100, 18-24.

3. Wall, B.J.‡; Will, M.F.‡; Yawson, G.K.; Bothwell, P.J.; Platt, D.C.; Apuzzo, C.F.; Jones, M.A.; Ferrence, G.M.; Webb, M.I. “The Importance of Hydrogen Bonding: Structure-Activity Relationships of Ruthenium(III) Complexes for Alzheimer’s Disease Therapy with Pyridine-based Ligands” Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021, 64, 10124-10138 (‡ = each author contributed equally to this work)

2. Yawson, G.K.; Huffman, S.E.; Fisher, S.S.; Bothwell, P.J.; Platt, D.C.; Jones, M.A.; Hamaker, C.G.; Ferrence, G.M.; Webb, M.I. “Ruthenium(III) Complexes with Imidazole Ligands That Modulate the Aggregation of the Amyloid-β Peptide Via Hydrophobic Interactions” Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 2021, 214, 111303.

1. Huffman, S.E.‡; Yawson, G.K.‡; Fisher, S.S.; Bothwell, P.J.; Platt, D.C.; Jones, M.A.; Hamaker, C.G; Webb, M.I. “Determining Structure Activity Relationships for Ruthenium(III) Complexes Containing Thiazole-based Ligands for Their Ability to Prevent Amyloid-Beta Aggregation” Metallomics, 2020, 12, 491-503. Featured on the back cover. (‡ = each author contributed equally to this work)


  • CHEM 119: Introductory Chemistry Lab

    An introduction to the experimental techniques and methodology used to explore matter and chemical reactivity. Experiments include the synthesis and characterization of a compound, identification of unknown substances, an exploration of the gas laws, volumetric and gravimetric analysis, structure and bonding, and acid/base chemistry.

  • CHEM 216: Organic Chemistry Laboratory

    Laboratory practices in representative organic preparations and procedures.

  • CHEM 330: Principles of Inorganic Chem

    An introduction to modern inorganic chemistry. Topics include current models used to describe periodicity, bonding, and structure, acid-base chemistry, coordination chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, and an introduction to organometallic chemistry.

  • CHEM 331: Inorganic Chemistry Lab

    This course serves to familiarize students with modern synthetic and instrumental techniques used in the preparation, characterization, and study of inorganic compounds.

Curriculum Vitae


  • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

  • Ph.D. Chemistry, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

  • B.Sc. Chemistry (Honours), Mount Allison University, Sackville, NB.