Robert Feissner

Lecturer of Biology
Integrated Science Center 356

Dr. Robert Feissner has been a member of the Geneseo faculty since 2011.

Robert Feissner photo

Office Hours Spring 2025

  • Mondays 1:00pm-2:00pm ISC 356
  • Wednesdays 1:00pm-2:00pm ISC 356
  • Fridays 10:30am-11:20am ISC 356

Curriculum Vitae


  • NYS Teacher Certification in Adolescent Education (Biology and Special Education), Nazareth College, 2010

  • Ph.D. in Biology, Washington University in Saint Louis, 2006

  • B.S. in Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1998


  • Previously taught at Nazareth College

  • Laboratory instructor

  • Regional Director, NYS Master Teacher Program, Finger Lakes Region

  • Director of Supplemental Instruction


  • Science Teachers Association of New York State

  • National Science Teachers Association

  • American Biology Laboratory Educators

Research Interests

  • Cytochrome c biogenesis

  • Mitochondrial physiology


  • Chang, M-M., Li, A., Feissner, R.F., and Ahmad, T. (2016) RT-qPCR demonstrates light-dependent AtRBCS1A and AtRBCS3B mRNA expressions in Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Biochem Mol Biol Educ., doi: 10.1002/bmb.20959.

  • Feissner, R.F., Skalska, J., Gaum, W.E., and Sheu, S-S (2009) Crosstalk signaling between mitochondrial Ca2+ and ROS. Front. Biosci, 14: 1197-1218.

  • Richard-Fogal, C.L., Frawley, E.R., Feissner, R.E., and Kranz, R.G. (2006) Heme concentration dependence and metalloporphyrin inhibition of the system I and II cytochrome c assembly pathways. J Bacteriol, 189(2): 455-463.

  • Feissner, R.E., Richard-Fogal, C.L., Frawley, E.R., and Kranz, R.G. (2006) ABC transporter-mediated release of a heme chaperone allows cytochrome c biogenesis. Mol Microbiol 61(1): 219-231.

  • Feissner, R.E., Richard-Fogal, C.L., Frawley, E.R., Loughman, J.A., Earley, K.W., and Kranz, R.G. (2006) Recombinant cytochromes c biogenesis systems I and II and analysis of heme delivery pathways in Escherichia coli. Mol Microbiol 60(3): 563-577.

  • Feissner, R.E., Beckett, C.S., Loughman, J.A., and Kranz, R.G. (2005) Mutations in cytochrome assembly and periplasmic redox pathways in Bordetella pertussis. J Bacteriol 187: 3941-3949.

  • Feissner, R.E., Xiang, Y., and Kranz, R.G. (2003) Chemiluminescent-based methods to detect subpicomole levels of c-type cytochromes. Anal Biochem 315: 90-94.


  • BIOL 119: Gen Bio-Diversity,Physiol,Eco

    An introductory course in the biological sciences covering animal diversity, animal biology, plant biology, and ecology. Counts for general education only when taken with BIOL 120.

  • BIOL 120: General Biology Laboratory II

    An introductory experience which develops laboratory and analytical skills in the biological sciences. Students will learn introductory statistical analysis, oral communication, and techniques of applied research.